Ni Nyoman Nepi Marleni
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Mitigation strategies of hydrogen sulphide emission in sewer networks–a review
K Park, H Lee, S Phelan, S Liyanaarachchi, N Marleni, D Navaratna, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 95, 251-261, 2014
Impact of water source management practices in residential areas on sewer networks–a review
N Marleni, S Gray, A Sharma, S Burn, N Muttil
Water Science and Technology 65 (4), 624-642, 2012
Impact of water management practice scenarios on wastewater flow and contaminant concentration
N Marleni, S Gray, A Sharma, S Burn, N Muttil
Journal of environmental management 151, 461-471, 2015
Pelatihan pembuatan paving block dan eco-bricks dari limbah sampah plastik di kampung Tulung Kota Magelang
S Widodo, NNN Marleni, NA Firdaus
Community Empowerment 3 (2), 63-66, 2018
Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan PDAM Kota Balikpapan
AS Aji, NNN Marleni
Unimma Press, 2018
Particulate air pollution in Indonesia: quality index, characteristic, and source identification
NA Istiqomah, NNN Marleni
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 599 (1), 012084, 2020
Estimating hydrogen sulphide dissipation rate constant under the influence of different chemical dosing
V Jegatheesan, S Abdikheibari, N Marleni, S Phelan, K Park, S Bagshaw, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 101, 47-55, 2015
A Critical Review of Wastewater Resource Recovery Implementation in Indonesia
NNN Marleni, GS Raspati
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum 6 (1), 89-102, 2020
Modeling the effects of sewer mining on odour and corrosion in sewer systems
N Marleni, S Gray, A Sharma, S Burn, N Muttil
MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation …, 2013
A methodology for simulating hydrogen sulphide generation in sewer network using EPA SWMM
N Marleni, K Park, T Lee, D Navaratna, L Shu, V Jegatheesan, N Pham, ...
Desalination and Water Treatment 54 (4-5), 1308-1317, 2015
Impact of source management strategies on quality and loads in residential wastewater–scenario analysis
S Cook, G Tjandraatmadja, N Marleni
Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, 2010
In-situ evaluation of predictive models for H2S gas emission and the performance of optimal dosage of suppressing chemicals in a laboratory-scale sewer
S Abdikheibari, H Song, J Cho, S Kim, S Gwon, K Park, B Maluleque, ...
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 106, 25-33, 2016
Studi Karakteristik dan Sistem Pengelolaan Air Limbah Domestik di Kabupaten Magelang
AS Aji, NNN Marleni
Unimma Press, 2017
Pelatihan pembuatan paving block dan eco-bricks dari limbah sampah plastik di Kampung Tulung Kota Magelang. Community Empowerment, 3 (2), 63–66
S Widodo, NNN Marleni, NA Firdaus
Application of Combined Phytoremediation Greywater Treatment in A Single House
NNN Marleni, R Ermawati, NA Istiqomah
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum 7 (1), 47-58, 2021
Scenario analysis of source management practices: Impact on sewerage networks
N Marleni, S Gray, A Sharma, S Burn, N Muttil
Proceedings of the 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation …, 2011
Sources of priority contaminants in domestic wastewater
G Tjandraatmadja, S Cook, C Pollard, C Sheedy, Y Gozukara, N Marleni, ...
Ozwater 10 Conference. Australian Water Association, Brisbane. Electronic …, 2010
Pembangunan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kampung Tulung RW. 02 Kota Magelang
NNN Marleni, D Legono, B Triatmodjo, NA Istiqomah
Community Empowerment 5 (2), 73-84, 2020
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pembentukan Kampung Organik Pemula di Perumahan Muria Kabupaten Kudus
R Ermawati, NNN Marleni, S Widodo
Community Empowerment 1 (1), 1-5, 2016
Pengembangan Irigasi Mikro Tirta Wanagama Abadi, Kalurahan Mulusan, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul
EPA Pratiwi, N Andika, TN Handayani, NNN Marleni, A Awaludin, ...
DINAMISIA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 7 (5), 1284-1293, 2023
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