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Isotopic patterns in modern global precipitation
K Rozanski, L Araguás‐Araguás, R Gonfiantini
Climate change in continental isotopic records 78, 1-36, 1993
Stable isotope composition of precipitation over southeast Asia
L Araguás‐Araguás, K Froehlich, K Rozanski
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D22), 28721-28742, 1998
Relation between long-term trends of oxygen-18 isotope composition of precipitation and climate
K Rozanski, L Araguas-Araguas, R Gonfiantini
Science 258 (5084), 981-985, 1992
Deuterium and oxygen‐18 isotope composition of precipitation and atmospheric moisture
L Araguás‐Araguás, K Froehlich, K Rozanski
Hydrological processes 14 (8), 1341-1355, 2000
Global isoscapes for δ18O and δ2H in precipitation: improved prediction using regionalized climatic regression models
S Terzer, LI Wassenaar, LJ Araguás-Araguás, PK Aggarwal
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (11), 4713-4728, 2013
Proportions of convective and stratiform precipitation revealed in water isotope ratios
PK Aggarwal, U Romatschke, L Araguas-Araguas, D Belachew, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (8), 624-629, 2016
Isotope effects accompanying vacuum extraction of soil water for stable isotope analyses
L Araguás-Araguás, K Rozanski, R Gonfiantini, D Louvat
Journal of Hydrology 168 (1-4), 159-171, 1995
Tritium in the global atmosphere: Distribution patterns and recent trends
K Rozanski, R Gonfiantini, L Araguas-Araguas
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 17 (S), S523, 1991
Stable isotopes in global precipitation: A unified interpretation based on atmospheric moisture residence time
PK Aggarwal, OA Alduchov, KO Froehlich, LJ Araguas‐Araguas, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (11), 2012
Spatial and temporal variability of stable isotope composition of precipitation over the South American continent
K Rozanski, L Araguás Araguás
Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’études Andines 24 (3), 379-390, 1995
Residence times of shallow groundwater in West Africa: implications for hydrogeology and resilience to future changes in climate
DJ Lapworth, AM MacDonald, MN Tijani, WG Darling, DC Gooddy, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 21 (3), 673-686, 2013
Sources of precipitation over South‐Eastern Spain and groundwater recharge. An isotopic study
JCSAN JULIAN, L Araguas, K Rozanski, J Benavente, J Cardenal, ...
Tellus B 44 (3), 226-236, 1992
The Global Network of Isotopes in Rivers (GNIR): integration of water isotopes in watershed observation and riverine research
J Halder, S Terzer, LI Wassenaar, LJ Araguás-Araguás, PK Aggarwal
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (8), 3419-3431, 2015
Isotopes in groundwater hydrology
R Gonfiantini, K Fröhlich, L Araguás-Araguás, K Rozanski
Isotope tracers in catchment hydrology, 203-246, 1998
Isotope patterns of precipitation in the East African region
K Rozanski, L Araguas-Aragua, R Gonfiantini
Limnology, Climatology and Paleoclimatology of the East African Lakes, 79-94, 2019
Key drivers controlling stable isotope variations in daily precipitation of Costa Rica: Caribbean Sea versus Eastern Pacific Ocean moisture sources
R Sánchez-Murillo, C Birkel, K Welsh, G Esquivel-Hernández, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 131, 250-261, 2016
A unified Craig-Gordon isotope model of stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope fractionation during fresh or saltwater evaporation
R Gonfiantini, LI Wassenaar, L Araguas-Araguas, PK Aggarwal
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 235, 224-236, 2018
Continental degassing of 4He by surficial discharge of deep groundwater
PK Aggarwal, T Matsumoto, NC Sturchio, HK Chang, D Gastmans, ...
Nature geoscience 8 (1), 35-39, 2015
Isotope composition of precipitation and water vapour in the Iberian Peninsula: first results of the Spanish network of isotopes in precipitation
LJ Araguas-Araguas, MF Diaz Teijeiro
International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Report 1453, 173-190, 2005
Detection and the prevention of leaks from dams
AP Bedmar, L Araguas
Crc Press, 2002
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