Simone Shamay-Tsoory
Simone Shamay-Tsoory
Professor, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Haifa
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Two systems for empathy: a double dissociation between emotional and cognitive empathy in inferior frontal gyrus versus ventromedial prefrontal lesions
SG Shamay-Tsoory, J Aharon-Peretz, D Perry
Brain 132 (3), 617-627, 2009
The neural bases for empathy
SG Shamay-Tsoory
The Neuroscientist 17 (1), 18-24, 2011
Dissociable prefrontal networks for cognitive and affective theory of mind: a lesion study
SG Shamay-Tsoory, J Aharon-Peretz
Neuropsychologia 45 (13), 3054-3067, 2007
The social salience hypothesis of oxytocin
SG Shamay-Tsoory, A Abu-Akel
Biological psychiatry 79 (3), 194-202, 2016
Neuroanatomical and neurochemical bases of theory of mind
A Abu-Akel, S Shamay-Tsoory
Neuropsychologia 49 (11), 2971-2984, 2011
Characterization of empathy deficits following prefrontal brain damage: the role of the right ventromedial prefrontal cortex
SG Shamay-Tsoory, R Tomer, BD Berger, J Aharon-Peretz
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 15 (3), 324-337, 2003
Intranasal administration of oxytocin increases envy and schadenfreude (gloating)
SG Shamay-Tsoory, M Fischer, J Dvash, H Harari, N Perach-Bloom, ...
Biological psychiatry 66 (9), 864-870, 2009
Impaired “affective theory of mind” is associated with right ventromedial prefrontal damage
SG Shamay-Tsoory, R Tomer, BD Berger, D Goldsher, J Aharon-Peretz
Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 18 (1), 55-67, 2005
The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in affective theory of mind deficits in criminal offenders with psychopathic tendencies
SG Shamay-Tsoory, H Harari, J Aharon-Peretz, Y Levkovitz
Cortex 46 (5), 668-677, 2010
Dissociating cognitive from affective theory of mind: a TMS study
E Kalbe, M Schlegel, AT Sack, DA Nowak, M Dafotakis, C Bangard, ...
cortex 46 (6), 769-780, 2010
Dissociation of cognitive from affective components of theory of mind in schizophrenia
SG Shamay-Tsoory, S Shur, L Barcai-Goodman, S Medlovich, H Harari, ...
Psychiatry research 149 (1-3), 11-23, 2007
Impairment in cognitive and affective empathy in patients with brain lesions: anatomical and cognitive correlates
SG Shamay-Tsoory, R Tomer, D Goldsher, BD Berger, J Aharon-Peretz
Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology 26 (8), 1113-1127, 2004
Double dissociation between cognitive and affective empathy in borderline personality disorder
H Harari, SG Shamay-Tsoory, M Ravid, Y Levkovitz
Psychiatry research 175 (3), 277-279, 2010
The neuroanatomical basis of understanding sarcasm and its relationship to social cognition.
SG Shamay-Tsoory, R Tomer, J Aharon-Peretz
Neuropsychology 19 (3), 288, 2005
Towards a neuroscience of empathy: ontogeny, phylogeny, brain mechanisms, context and psychopathology
C Gonzalez-Liencres, SG Shamay-Tsoory, M Brüne
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 37 (8), 1537-1548, 2013
Theory of mind and empathy as multidimensional constructs: Neurological foundations
J Dvash, SG Shamay-Tsoory
Topics in Language Disorders 34 (4), 282-295, 2014
Brain-to-brain coupling during handholding is associated with pain reduction
P Goldstein, I Weissman-Fogel, G Dumas, SG Shamay-Tsoory
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 115 (11), E2528-E2537, 2018
Herding brains: a core neural mechanism for social alignment
SG Shamay-Tsoory, N Saporta, IZ Marton-Alper, HZ Gvirts
Trends in cognitive sciences 23 (3), 174-186, 2019
The origins of originality: The neural bases of creative thinking and originality
SG Shamay-Tsoory, N Adler, J Aharon-Peretz, D Perry, N Mayseless
Neuropsychologia 49 (2), 178-185, 2011
Real-life neuroscience: an ecological approach to brain and behavior research
SG Shamay-Tsoory, A Mendelsohn
Perspectives on Psychological Science 14 (5), 841-859, 2019
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