Sandra A. Binning
Sandra A. Binning
Associate professor, University of Montreal, Canada
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Public data archiving in ecology and evolution: how well are we doing?
DG Roche, LEB Kruuk, R Lanfear, SA Binning
PLoS biology 13 (11), e1002295, 2015
Oxygen-and capacity-limited thermal tolerance: blurring ecology and physiology
F Jutfelt, T Norin, R Ern, J Overgaard, T Wang, DJ McKenzie, S Lefevre, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (1), jeb169615, 2018
Finding the best estimates of metabolic rates in a coral reef fish
DG Roche, SA Binning, Y Bosiger, JL Johansen, JL Rummer
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (11), 2103-2110, 2013
Demystifying animal ‘personality’(or not): why individual variation matters to experimental biologists
DG Roche, V Careau, SA Binning
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (24), 3832-3843, 2016
Ocean acidification does not impair the behaviour of coral reef fishes
TD Clark, GD Raby, DG Roche, SA Binning, B Speers-Roesch, F Jutfelt, ...
Nature 577 (7790), 370-375, 2020
Troubleshooting public data archiving: suggestions to increase participation
DG Roche, R Lanfear, SA Binning, TM Haff, LE Schwanz, KE Cain, ...
PLoS biology 12 (1), e1001779, 2014
Parasites and host performance: incorporating infection into our understanding of animal movement
SA Binning, AK Shaw, DG Roche
Integrative and comparative biology 57 (2), 267-280, 2017
Fight‐flight or freeze‐hide? Personality and metabolic phenotype mediate physiological defence responses in flatfish
EJ Rupia, SA Binning, DG Roche, W Lu
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (4), 927-937, 2016
Methods matter: considering locomotory mode and respirometry technique when estimating metabolic rates of fishes
JL Rummer, SA Binning, DG Roche, JL Johansen
Conservation Physiology 4 (1), cow008, 2016
Ectoparasites increase swimming costs in a coral reef fish
SA Binning, DG Roche, C Layton
Biology letters 9 (1), 20120927, 2013
Sickness behaviors across vertebrate taxa: proximate and ultimate mechanisms
PC Lopes, SS French, DC Woodhams, SA Binning
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (9), jeb225847, 2021
Migratory recovery from infection as a selective pressure for the evolution of migration
AK Shaw, SA Binning
The American Naturalist 187 (4), 491-501, 2016
Shelters and their use by fishes on fringing coral reefs
A Menard, K Turgeon, DG Roche, SA Binning, DL Kramer
PloS one 7 (6), e38450, 2012
Localised intraspecific variation in the swimming phenotype of a coral reef fish across different wave exposures
SA Binning, DG Roche, CJ Fulton
Oecologia 174, 623-630, 2014
Unsteady flow affects swimming energetics in a labriform fish (Cymatogaster aggregata)
DG Roche, MK Taylor, SA Binning, JL Johansen, P Domenici, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (3), 414-422, 2014
Specialized morphology for a generalist diet: evidence for Liem's paradox in a cichlid fish
SA Binning, LJ Chapman, A Cosandey‐Godin
Journal of Fish Biology 75 (7), 1683-1699, 2009
Localized invasion of the North American Harris mud crab, Rhithropanopeus harrisii, in the Panama Canal: implications for eradication and spread
DG Roche, ME Torchin, B Leung, SA Binning
Biological Invasions 11, 983-993, 2009
Physiological and behavioural strategies of aquatic animals living in fluctuating environments
TA Blewett, SA Binning, AM Weinrauch, CM Ivy, GS Rossi, BG Borowiec, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (9), jeb242503, 2022
Behavioural lateralization in a detour test is not repeatable in fishes
DG Roche, M Amcoff, R Morgan, J Sundin, AH Andreassen, MH Finnøen, ...
Animal Behaviour 167, 55-64, 2020
Brain cooling marginally increases acute upper thermal tolerance in Atlantic cod
F Jutfelt, DG Roche, TD Clark, T Norin, SA Binning, B Speers-Roesch, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (19), jeb208249, 2019
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