Morten Mørup
Morten Mørup
Section for Cognitive Systems, Technical University of Denmark
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Scalable tensor factorizations for incomplete data
E Acar, DM Dunlavy, TG Kolda, M Mørup
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 106 (1), 41-56, 2011
Applications of tensor (multiway array) factorizations and decompositions in data mining
M Mørup
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1 (1 …, 2011
Parallel factor analysis as an exploratory tool for wavelet transformed event-related EEG
M Mørup, LK Hansen, CS Herrmann, J Parnas, SM Arnfred
NeuroImage 29 (3), 938-947, 2006
Archetypal analysis for machine learning and data mining
M Mørup, LK Hansen
Neurocomputing 80, 54-63, 2012
Defining a local arterial input function for perfusion MRI using independent component analysis
F Calamante, M Mørup, LK Hansen
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2004
Nonnegative matrix factor 2-D deconvolution for blind single channel source separation
MN Schmidt, M Mørup
International Conference on Independent Component Analysis and Signal …, 2006
Algorithms for sparse nonnegative Tucker decompositions
M Mørup, LK Hansen, SM Arnfred
Neural Computation 20 (8), 2112-2131, 2008
EEG theta power is an early marker of cognitive decline in dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease
CS Musaeus, K Engedal, P Høgh, V Jelic, M Mørup, M Naik, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 64 (4), 1359-1371, 2018
ERPWAVELAB: A toolbox for multi-channel analysis of time–frequency transformed event related potentials
M Mørup, LK Hansen, SM Arnfred
Journal of neuroscience methods 161 (2), 361-368, 2007
Automatic relevance determination for multi‐way models
M Mørup, LK Hansen
Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of the Chemometrics Society 23 (7‐8), 352-363, 2009
Non-linear calibration models for near infrared spectroscopy
W Ni, L Nørgaard, M Mørup
Analytica chimica acta 813, 1-14, 2014
Shift-invariant multilinear decomposition of neuroimaging data
M Mørup, LK Hansen, SM Arnfred, LH Lim, KH Madsen
NeuroImage 42 (4), 1439-1450, 2008
Nonparametric Bayesian modeling of complex networks: An introduction
MN Schmidt, M Morup
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 (3), 110-128, 2013
A deep learning approach to adherence detection for type 2 diabetics
A Mohebbi, TB Aradóttir, AR Johansen, H Bengtsson, M Fraccaro, ...
2017 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2017
Infinite multiple membership relational modeling for complex networks
M Mørup, MN Schmidt, LK Hansen
2011 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 1-6, 2011
Bayesian community detection
M Mørup, MN Schmidt
Neural computation 24 (9), 2434-2456, 2012
The amplitude and phase precision of 40 Hz auditory steady-state response depend on the level of arousal
I Griskova, M Morup, J Parnas, O Ruksenas, SM Arnfred
Experimental brain research 183, 133-138, 2007
Classification of independent components of EEG into multiple artifact classes
L Frølich, TS Andersen, M Mørup
Psychophysiology 52 (1), 32-45, 2015
Approximate L0 constrained non-negative matrix and tensor factorization
M Morup, KH Madsen, LK Hansen
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1328-1331, 2008
Decomposing the time-frequency representation of EEG using non-negative matrix and multi-way factorization
M Mørup, LK Hansen, J Parnas, SM Arnfred
Technical University of Denmark Technical Report, 1-28, 2006
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