Kevin Crowston
Kevin Crowston
Distinguished Professor of Information Science, Syracuse University
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The interdisciplinary study of coordination
TW Malone, K Crowston
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 26 (1), 87-119, 1994
What is coordination theory and how can it help design cooperative work systems?
TW Malone, K Crowston
Proceedings of the 1990 ACM conference on Computer-supported cooperative …, 1990
Tools for inventing organizations: Toward a handbook of organizational processes
TW Malone, K Crowston, J Lee, B Pentland
[1993] Proceedings Second Workshop on Enabling Technologies-Infrastructure …, 1993
From conservation to crowdsourcing: A typology of citizen science
A Wiggins, K Crowston
2011 44th Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1-10, 2011
The future of citizen science: emerging technologies and shifting paradigms
G Newman, A Wiggins, A Crall, E Graham, S Newman, K Crowston
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (6), 298-304, 2012
The social structure of free and open source software development
K Crowston, J Howison
First Monday 10 (2), 2005
A coordination theory approach to organizational process design
K Crowston
Organization Science 8 (2), 157-175, 1997
The MIT Process Handbook
OB Knowledge
Ed. Thomas W. Malone, Kevin Crowston and George A. Herman, 2003
Reproduced and emergent genres of communication on the World Wide Web
K Crowston, M Williams
The information society 16 (3), 201-215, 2000
Free/Libre open-source software development: What we know and what we do not know
K Crowston, K Wei, J Howison, A Wiggins
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 44 (2), 1-35, 2008
Validity issues in the use of social network analysis with digital trace data
J Howison, K Crowston, A Wiggins
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 12 (12), 767-797, 2011
Defining open source software project success
K Crowston, H Annabi, J Howison
Information systems success in free and open source software development: Theory and measures
K Crowston, J Howison, H Annabi
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11 (2), 123-148, 2006
Discontinuities and continuities: A new way to understand virtual work
M Beth Watson‐Manheim, KM Chudoba, K Crowston
Information technology & people 15 (3), 191-209, 2002
Gravity Spy: integrating advanced LIGO detector characterization, machine learning, and citizen science
M Zevin, S Coughlin, S Bahaadini, E Besler, N Rohani, S Allen, M Cabero, ...
Classical and quantum gravity 34 (6), 064003, 2017
Methods for modeling and supporting innovation processes in SMEs
B Scozzi, C Garavelli, K Crowston
European journal of innovation management 8 (1), 120-137, 2005
Coordination and collective mind in software requirements development
K Crowston, EE Kammerer
IBM Systems Journal 37 (2), 227-245, 1998
Mechanisms for data quality and validation in citizen science
A Wiggins, G Newman, RD Stevenson, K Crowston
2011 IEEE Seventh international conference on e-Science Workshops, 14-19, 2011
Self-organization of teams for free/libre open source software development
K Crowston, Q Li, K Wei, UY Eseryel, J Howison
Information and software technology 49 (6), 564-575, 2007
Toward an interdisciplinary theory of coordination
TW Malone, K Crowston
Center for Coordination Science, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts …, 1991
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