Noriko Iwashita
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Assessed levels of second language speaking proficiency: How distinct?
N Iwashita, A Brown, T McNamara, S O’hagan
Applied linguistics 29 (1), 24-49, 2008
Negative feedback and positive evidence in task-based interaction: Differential effects on L2 development
N Iwashita
Studies in second language acquisition 25 (1), 1-36, 2003
Peer interaction and second language learning
J Philp, R Adams, N Iwashita
Routledge, 2013
Can we predict task difficulty in an oral proficiency test? Exploring the potential of an information‐processing approach to task design
N Iwashita, T McNamara, C Elder
Language learning 51 (3), 401-436, 2001
An examination of rater orientations and test‐taker performance on English‐for‐academic‐purposes speaking tasks
A Brown, N Iwashita, T McNamara
ETS Research Report Series 2005 (1), i-157, 2005
Estimating the difficulty of oral proficiency tasks: what does the test-taker have to offer?
C Elder, N Iwashita, T McNamara
Language Testing 19 (4), 347-368, 2002
The effect of learner proficiency on interactional moves and modified output in nonnative–nonnative interaction in Japanese as a foreign language
N Iwashita
System 29 (2), 267-287, 2001
A comparison of learners' and teachers' attitudes toward communicative language teaching at two universities in Vietnam.
KM Ngoc, N Iwashita
University of Sydney Papers in tesol 7, 2012
An investigation of elicited imitation tasks in crosslinguistic SLA research
L Ortega, N Iwashita, JM Norris, S Rabie
Second language research forum, Toronto, 3-6, 2002
Planning for test performance: Does it make a difference?
C Elder, N Iwashita
Planning and task performance in a second language, 219-238, 2008
The validity of the paired interview format in oral performance assessmentº
N Iwashita
Syntactic complexity measures and their relation to oral proficiency in Japanese as a foreign language
N Iwashita
Language Assessment Quarterly: An International Journal 3 (2), 151-169, 2006
Interactional competence: Genie out of the bottle
I Plough, J Banerjee, N Iwashita
Language Testing 35 (3), 427-445, 2018
Student perceptions of technological tools for flipped instruction: The case of Padlet, Kahoot! and Cirrus
S Dianati, M Nguyen, P Dao, N Iwashita, C Vasquez
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice 17 (5), 1-16, 2020
Features of oral proficiency in task performance by EFL and JFL learners
N Iwashita
Selected proceedings of the 2008 second language research forum, 32-47, 2010
4. Interactional behaviours of low-proficiency learners in small group work
H Choi, N Iwashita
Peer Interaction and Second Language Learning, 113-134, 2016
Talking, tuning in and noticing: Exploring the benefits of output in task-based peer interaction
J Philp, N Iwashita
Language Awareness 22 (4), 353-370, 2013
Teachers’ perceptions of learner engagement in L2 classroom task-based interaction
P Dao, MXNC Nguyen, N Iwashita
The Language Learning Journal 49 (6), 711-724, 2021
A multilanguage comparison of measures of syntactic complexity
L Ortega, N Iwashita, S Rabie, JM Norris
Honolulu: University of Hawaii, National Foreign Language Resource Center, 1999
Tasks and learners' output in nonnative-nonnative interaction
N Iwashita
Language Acquisition and Language Disorders 20, 31-52, 1999
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