Peter Gerjets
Peter Gerjets
Professor für Lehr-Lernforschung, Institut für Wissensmedien
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Explaining the split-attention effect: Is the reduction of extraneous cognitive load accompanied by an increase in germane cognitive load?
G Cierniak, K Scheiter, P Gerjets
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2), 315-324, 2009
In the eyes of the beholder: How experts and novices interpret dynamic stimuli
H Jarodzka, K Scheiter, P Gerjets, T Van Gog
Learning and instruction 20 (2), 146-154, 2010
Learner control in hypermedia environments
K Scheiter, P Gerjets
Educational Psychology Review 19, 285-307, 2007
Designing instructional examples to reduce intrinsic cognitive load: Molar versus modular presentation of solution procedures
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, R Catrambone
Instructional Science 32, 33-58, 2004
Goal configurations and processing strategies as moderators between instructional design and cognitive load: Evidence from hypertext-based instruction
P Gerjets, K Scheiter
Educational psychologist 38 (1), 33-41, 2003
Learning to see: Guiding students' attention via a model's eye movements fosters learning
H Jarodzka, T Van Gog, M Dorr, K Scheiter, P Gerjets
Learning and Instruction 25, 62-70, 2013
Can learning from molar and modular worked examples be enhanced by providing instructional explanations and prompting self-explanations?
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, R Catrambone
Learning and Instruction 16 (2), 104-121, 2006
Measuring spontaneous and instructed evaluation processes during Web search: Integrating concurrent thinking-aloud protocols and eye-tracking data
P Gerjets, Y Kammerer, B Werner
Learning and instruction 21 (2), 220-231, 2011
Attention guidance during example study via the model’s eye movements
T Van Gog, H Jarodzka, K Scheiter, P Gerjets, F Paas
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (3), 785-791, 2009
Conveying clinical reasoning based on visual observation via eye-movement modelling examples
H Jarodzka, T Balslev, K Holmqvist, M Nyström, K Scheiter, P Gerjets, ...
Instructional Science 40, 813-827, 2012
Attentive or not? Toward a machine learning approach to assessing students’ visible engagement in classroom instruction
P Goldberg, Ö Sümer, K Stürmer, W Wagner, R Göllner, P Gerjets, ...
Educational Psychology Review 33, 27-49, 2021
The effects of realism in learning with dynamic visualizations
K Scheiter, P Gerjets, T Huk, B Imhof, Y Kammerer
Learning and Instruction 19 (6), 481-494, 2009
Comparison of the Working Memory Load in N-Back and Working Memory Span Tasks by Means of EEG Frequency Band Power and P300 Amplitude
C Scharinger, A Soutschek, T Schubert, P Gerjets
Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 6, 2017
Learning with hypermedia: The influence of representational formats and different levels of learner control on performance and learning behavior
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, M Opfermann, FW Hesse, THS Eysink
Computers in human behavior 25 (2), 360-370, 2009
The scientific value of cognitive load theory: A research agenda based on the structuralist view of theories
P Gerjets, K Scheiter, G Cierniak
Educational Psychology Review 21, 43-54, 2009
ChatGPT in education: global reactions to AI innovations
T Fütterer, C Fischer, A Alekseeva, X Chen, T Tate, M Warschauer, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 15310, 2023
When are powerful learning environments effective? The role of learner activities and of students’ conceptions of educational technology
PH Gerjets, FW Hesse
International Journal of Educational Research 41 (6), 445-465, 2004
The role of Internet-specific epistemic beliefs in laypersons’ source evaluations and decisions during Web search on a medical issue
Y Kammerer, I Bråten, P Gerjets, HI Strømsø
Computers in human behavior 29 (3), 1193-1203, 2013
Cognitive state monitoring and the design of adaptive instruction in digital environments: lessons learned from cognitive workload assessment using a passive brain-computer …
P Gerjets, C Walter, W Rosenstiel, M Bogdan, TO Zander
Frontiers in neuroscience 8, 385, 2014
Information visualizations for knowledge acquisition: The impact of dimensionality and color coding
T Keller, P Gerjets, K Scheiter, B Garsoffky
Computers in Human Behavior 22 (1), 43-65, 2006
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