Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Troy E. McEwanLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 4
The reliability and predictive validity of the Stalking Risk Profile
TE McEwan, DE Shea, M Daffern, RD MacKenzie, JRP Ogloff, PE Mullen
Assessment 25 (2), 259-276, 2018
Krav: Australian Research Council
Reassessing the link between stalking and intimate partner abuse
TE McEwan, DE Shea, J Nazarewicz, S Senkans
Partner Abuse 8 (3), 223-250, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
The temporal relationship between mental health service use and stalking perpetration
B Albrecht, B Spivak, M Daffern, TE McEwan
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 56 (12), 1642-1652, 2022
Krav: Australian Research Council
Exploring the utility of the YLS/CMI for Australian youth in custody according to child protection history.
A Sheed, N Papalia, B Spivak, T McEwan, S Luebbers
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 28 (4), 616, 2022
Krav: Australian Research Council
Tillgängliga någonstans: 4
Risk factors for stalking violence, persistence, and recurrence
TE McEwan, M Daffern, RD MacKenzie, JRP Ogloff
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 28 (1), 38-56, 2017
Krav: Australian Research Council
The reliability and predictive validity of the Guidelines for Stalking Assessment and Management (SAM).
DE Shea, TE McEwan, SJM Strand, JRP Ogloff
Psychological Assessment 30 (11), 1409, 2018
Krav: Australian Research Council
Assessing risk of family violence by young people: Identifying recidivism base rates and the validity of the VP-SAFvR for Youth
A Sheed, T Mcewan, N Papalia, B Spivak, M Simmons
Criminal justice and behavior 50 (8), 1079-1101, 2023
Krav: Australian Research Council
Police-reported family violence victimisation or perpetration and mental health-related emergency department presentations: an Australian data-linkage study
N Papalia, M Simmons, M Trood, T McEwan, B Spivak
BMC Public Health 24 (1), 131, 2024
Krav: Australian Research Council
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