Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Bruno D. ZumboLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 8
Behavior predictors of language development over 2 years in children with autism spectrum disorders
KD Bopp, P Mirenda, BD Zumbo
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 52 (5), 1106-1120, 2009
Krav: Autism Speaks Inc, USA
Psychometric properties of the spence children’s anxiety scale: Parent report in children with autism spectrum disorder
K Jitlina, B Zumbo, P Mirenda, L Ford, T Bennett, S Georgiades, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47, 3847-3856, 2017
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Social Sciences and Humanities …
Analysis of dynamic psychological processes to understand and promote physical activity behaviour using intensive longitudinal methods: A primer
GR Ruissen, BD Zumbo, RE Rhodes, E Puterman, MR Beauchamp
Health Psychology Review 16 (4), 492-525, 2022
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
What is unified validity theory and how might it contribute to research and practice with athlete self-report measures
J Windt, D Taylor, D Nabhan, BD Zumbo
British Journal of Sports Medicine 53 (19), 1202-1203, 2019
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Predictors of changes in running and smoking identity among individuals in the run to quit smoking cessation program
CM Wierts, MR Beauchamp, CS Priebe, BD Zumbo, RE Rhodes, ...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 67, 102431, 2023
Krav: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
General, Health-specific, and housing-specific self-efficacy scales: Preliminary reliability and validity evidence with homeless or vulnerably housed adults
S Shankar, AM Hubley, BD Zumbo
Journal of Well-Being Assessment 1, 57-75, 2017
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Accuracy of mixture item response theory models for identifying sample heterogeneity in patient-reported outcomes: a simulation study
TT Sajobi, LM Lix, L Russell, D Schulz, J Liu, BD Zumbo, R Sawatzky
Quality of Life Research 31 (12), 3423-3432, 2022
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Picking the right tools for the job: opening up the statistical toolkit to build a compelling case in sport and exercise medicine research
J Windt, RO Nielsen, BD Zumbo
British Journal of Sports Medicine 53 (16), 987-988, 2019
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Tillgängliga någonstans: 38
Estimating Ordinal Reliability for Likert-Type and Ordinal Item Response Data: A Conceptual, Empirical, and Practical Guide
AM Gadermann, M Guhn, BD Zumbo
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation 17 (3), 1-13, 2012
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Do school bullying and student—teacher relationships matter for academic achievement? A multilevel analysis
C Konishi, S Hymel, BD Zumbo, Z Li
Canadian journal of school psychology 25 (1), 19-39, 2010
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
The effectiveness of multi-component goal setting interventions for changing physical activity behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis
D McEwan, SM Harden, BD Zumbo, BD Sylvester, M Kaulius, GR Ruissen, ...
Health psychology review 10 (1), 67-88, 2016
Krav: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Difference scores from the point of view of reliability and repeated-measures ANOVA: In defense of difference scores for data analysis
DR Thomas, BD Zumbo
Educational and Psychological Measurement 72 (1), 37-43, 2012
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Factor analysis of the Parenting Stress Index‐Short Form with parents of young children with autism spectrum disorders
A Zaidman‐Zait, P Mirenda, BD Zumbo, S Georgiades, P Szatmari, ...
Autism Research 4 (5), 336-346, 2011
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Variety support and exercise adherence behavior: Experimental and mediating effects.
BD Sylvester, M Standage, D McEwan, SA Wolf, DR Lubans, N Eather, ...
Journal of Behavioral Medicine 39 (2), 214-224, 2016
Krav: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Transformational teaching and child psychological needs satisfaction, motivation, and engagement in elementary school physical education.
AJ Wilson, Y Liu, SE Keith, AH Wilson, LE Kermer, BD Zumbo, ...
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 1 (4), 215, 2012
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Self-reported physical and mental health status and quality of life in adolescents: a latent variable mediation model
R Sawatzky, PA Ratner, JL Johnson, JA Kopec, BD Zumbo
Health and quality of life outcomes 8, 1-11, 2010
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Getting the most out of intensive longitudinal data: a methodological review of workload–injury studies
J Windt, CL Ardern, TJ Gabbett, KM Khan, CE Cook, BC Sporer, ...
BMJ open 8 (10), e022626, 2018
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Sample heterogeneity and the measurement structure of the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale
R Sawatzky, PA Ratner, JL Johnson, JA Kopec, BD Zumbo
Social Indicators Research 94, 273-296, 2009
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Scoping review of response shift methods: current reporting practices and recommendations
TT Sajobi, R Brahmbatt, LM Lix, BD Zumbo, R Sawatzky
Quality of Life Research 27, 1133-1146, 2018
Krav: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering …
Effectiveness of combining statistical tests and effect sizes when using logistic discriminant function regression to detect differential item functioning for polytomous items
J Gómez-Benito, MD Hidalgo, BD Zumbo
Educational and Psychological Measurement 73 (5), 875-897, 2013
Krav: Government of Spain
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