Ingrid Teich
Ingrid Teich
Instituto de Fisiología y Recursos Genéticos Vegetales, Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
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Do domestic herbivores retard Polylepis australis Bitt. woodland recovery in the mountains of Córdoba, Argentina?
I Teich, AM Cingolani, D Renison, I Hensen, MA Giorgis
Forest Ecology and Management 219 (2-3), 229-241, 2005
Herramientas en el análisis estadístico multivariado
M Balzarini, C Bruno, M Córdoba, I Teich
Escuela Virtual Internacional CAVILA. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias …, 2015
Do Polylepis australis trees tolerate herbivory? Seasonal patterns of shoot growth and its consumption by livestock
MA Giorgis, AM Cingolani, I Teich, D Renison, I Hensen
Plant Ecology 207, 307-319, 2010
Validation of remotely-sensed evapotranspiration and NDWI using ground measurements at Riverlands, South Africa
N Jovanovic, CL Garcia, RDH Bugan, I Teich, CMG Rodriguez
Water Sa 40 (2), 211-220, 2014
Making genetic biodiversity measurable: a review of statistical multivariate methods to study variability at gene level
M Balzarini, I Teich, C Bruno, A Peña
Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 43 (1 …, 2011
Estadística en biotecnología
M Balzarini, C Bruno, A Peña, I Teich, J Di Rienzo
Aplicaciones en Info-Gen. Editorial Brujas, Córdoba, Argentina. goo. gl/aCyQE7, 2010
Land degradation assessment in the Argentinean Puna: Comparing expert knowledge with satellite-derived information
CL García, I Teich, M Gonzalez-Roglich, AF Kindgard, AC Ravelo, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 91, 70-80, 2019
Range‐wide genetic structure and diversity of the endemic tree line species Polylepis australis (Rosaceae) in Argentina
I Hensen, I Teich, H Hirsch, H von Wehrden, D Renison
American Journal of Botany 98 (11), 1825-1833, 2011
Identification of Smut Resistance in Wild Arachis Species and Its Introgression into Peanut Elite Lines
FJ De Blas, M Bressano, I Teich, MG Balzarini, RS Arias, MM Manifesto, ...
Crop Science 59 (4), 1657-1665, 2019
Combining earth observations, cloud computing, and expert knowledge to inform national level degradation assessments in support of the 2030 development agenda
I Teich, M Gonzalez Roglich, ML Corso, CL García
Remote Sensing 11 (24), 2918, 2019
Characterization of meteorological droughts in the central Argentina
L Vicario, CM García, I Teich, JC Bertoni, A Ravelo, A Rodríguez
Tecnología y ciencias del agua 6 (1), 153-165, 2015
Estadística en Biotecnología. Aplicaciones en Info-Gen
M Balzarini, C Bruno, A Peña, I Teich, J Di Rienzo
Córdoba, Argentina, 41-46, 2010
Can livestock coexist with Polylepis australis forests in mountains of central Argentina? Setting thresholds for a land sharing landscape
MA Giorgis, AM Cingolani, I Teich, M Poca
Forest Ecology and Management 457, 117728, 2020
Strategies to optimize monitoring schemes of recreational waters from Salta, Argentina: a multivariate approach
D Gutiérrez-Cacciabue, I Teich, HR Poma, MC Cruz, M Balzarini, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 8359-8380, 2014
Impact of drought on land productivity and degradation in the Brazilian semiarid region
F Paredes-Trejo, HA Barbosa, GA Daldegan, I Teich, CL García, ...
Land 12 (5), 954, 2023
Análisis de conglomerados en la identificación de estructura genética a partir de datos de marcadores moleculares
AN Peña Malavera, CI Bruno, I Teich, EA Fernandez, MG Balzarini
Universidad de Tolima, 2010
Estimating evapotranspiration in a semi-arid catchment: A comparison of hydrological modelling and remote-sensing approaches
R Bugan, CL García, N Jovanovic, I Teich, M Fink, S Dzikiti
Water SA 46 (2), 2020
Morphological and molecular characterization of a hybrid zone between Prosopis alba and P. nigra in the Chaco region of northwestern Argentina
C Vega, I Teich, MC Acosta, D Lopez Lauenstein, A Verga, A Cosacov
Silvae Genetica 69, 44-54, 2020
Mapas de cobertura del suelo de la provincia de Córdoba 2017/2018-niveles 1 a 3
C García, M Piumetto, I Teich, H Morales, A Kindgard, M Fuentes, ...
Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Córdoba (IDECOR). Córdoba (Argentina), 2018
Spatial structure of skin follicles in Suri and Huacaya alpacas
G Molina, I Teich, M Antonini, C Renieri, A La Terza, M Balzarini
Small Ruminant Research 140, 22-26, 2016
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