Andrés Anca-Couce
Andrés Anca-Couce
Verifierad e-postadress på ing.uc3m.es
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Reaction mechanisms and multi-scale modelling of lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis
A Anca-Couce
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 53, 41-79, 2016
How to determine consistent biomass pyrolysis kinetics in a parallel reaction scheme
A Anca-Couce, A Berger, N Zobel
Fuel 123, 230-240, 2014
Surface properties and chemical composition of corncob and miscanthus biochars: effects of production temperature and method
A Budai, L Wang, M Gronli, LT Strand, MJ Antal Jr, S Abiven, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 62 (17), 3791-3799, 2014
Pyrogenic carbon capture and storage
HP Schmidt, A Anca‐Couce, N Hagemann, C Werner, D Gerten, W Lucht, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 11 (4), 573-591, 2019
Smouldering of pine wood: Kinetics and reaction heats
A Anca-Couce, N Zobel, A Berger, F Behrendt
Combustion and flame 159 (4), 1708-1719, 2012
Kinetic scheme of biomass pyrolysis considering secondary charring reactions
A Anca-Couce, R Mehrabian, R Scharler, I Obernberger
Energy conversion and management 87, 687-696, 2014
Biomass pyrolysis TGA assessment with an international round robin
A Anca-Couce, C Tsekos, S Retschitzegger, F Zimbardi, A Funke, ...
Fuel 276, 118002, 2020
Towards biochar and hydrochar engineering—Influence of process conditions on surface physical and chemical properties, thermal stability, nutrient availability, toxicity and …
A Dieguez-Alonso, A Funke, A Anca-Couce, AG Rombolà, G Ojeda, ...
Energies 11 (3), 496, 2018
Applicability of the SOFC technology for coupling with biomass-gasifier systems: Short-and long-term experimental study on SOFC performance and degradation behaviour
V Subotić, A Baldinelli, L Barelli, R Scharler, G Pongratz, C Hochenauer, ...
Applied Energy 256, 113904, 2019
Bioenergy technologies, uses, market and future trends with Austria as a case study
A Anca-Couce, C Hochenauer, R Scharler
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 135, 110237, 2021
Application of a detailed biomass pyrolysis kinetic scheme to hardwood and softwood torrefaction
A Anca-Couce, I Obernberger
Fuel 167, 158-167, 2016
Modelling heat of reaction in biomass pyrolysis with detailed reaction schemes
A Anca-Couce, R Scharler
Fuel 206, 572-579, 2017
Online experiments and modelling with a detailed reaction scheme of single particle biomass pyrolysis
A Anca-Couce, P Sommersacher, R Scharler
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 127, 411-425, 2017
Experiments and modelling of NOx precursors release (NH3 and HCN) in fixed-bed biomass combustion conditions
A Anca-Couce, P Sommersacher, N Evic, R Mehrabian, R Scharler
Fuel 222, 529-537, 2018
Numerical analysis of a biomass pyrolysis particle model: Solution method optimized for the coupling to reactor models
A Anca-Couce, N Zobel
Fuel 97, 80-88, 2012
Multi-scale modeling of fixed-bed thermo-chemical processes of biomass with the representative particle model: Application to pyrolysis
A Anca-Couce, N Zobel, HA Jakobsen
Fuel 103, 773-782, 2013
Understanding the primary and secondary slow pyrolysis mechanisms of holocellulose, lignin and wood with laser-induced fluorescence
A Dieguez-Alonso, A Anca-Couce, N Zobel, F Behrendt
Fuel 153, 102-109, 2015
Torrefaction of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin extracted from woody and agricultural biomass in TGA-GC/MS: Linking production profiles of volatile species to biomass type …
MG Martínez, AA Couce, C Dupont, D da Silva Perez, S Thiéry, XM Meyer, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 176, 114350, 2022
Pyrolysis of pellets made with biomass and glycerol: Kinetic analysis and evolved gas analysis
P Bartocci, A Anca-Couce, K Slopiecka, S Nefkens, N Evic, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 97, 11-19, 2017
Designing biochar properties through the blending of biomass feedstock with metals: Impact on oxyanions adsorption behavior
A Dieguez-Alonso, A Anca-Couce, V Frišták, E Moreno-Jiménez, ...
Chemosphere 214, 743-753, 2019
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