Gunnar Németh
Gunnar Németh
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Muscle activity and coordination in the normal shoulder: an electromyographic study.
M Kronberg, G Németh, LAKE Broström
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1976-2007) 257, 76-85, 1990
Hamstring injuries in sprinters: the role of concentric and eccentric hamstring muscle strength and flexibility
S Jonhagen, G Nemeth, E Eriksson
The American journal of sports medicine 22 (2), 262-266, 1994
The axis of rotation of the ankle joint
A Lundberg, OK Svensson, G Nemeth, G Selvik
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 71 (1), 94-99, 1989
Effects of changes in sitting work posture on static neck and shoulder muscle activity
K Schüldt, JAN Ekholm, K Harms-Ringdahl, G NÉMETH, ...
Ergonomics 29 (12), 1525-1537, 1986
Health-related quality of life (EQ-5D) before and one year after surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis
KÅ Jansson, G Németh, F Granath, B Jönsson, P Blomqvist
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 91 (2), 210-216, 2009
Joint forces in extension of the knee: analysis of a mechanical model
R Nisell, G Németh, H Ohlsén
Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 57 (1), 41-46, 1986
In vivo moment arm lengths for hip extensor muscles at different angles of hip flexion
G Németh, H Ohlsén
Journal of biomechanics 18 (2), 129-140, 1985
Load moments and myoelectric activity when the cervical spine is held in full flexion and extension
K Harms-Ringdahl, JAN Ekholm, K SCHÜLDT, G NÉMETH, ...
Ergonomics 29 (12), 1539-1552, 1986
Correlation between electromyographic spectral changes and subjective assessment of lumbar muscle fatigue in subjects without pain from the lower back
Å Dedering, G Németh, K Harms-Ringdahl
Clinical biomechanics 14 (2), 103-111, 1999
Differences in shoulder muscle activity between patients with generalized joint laxity and normal controls.
M Kronberg, LÅKE Broström, G Németh
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1976-2007) 269, 181-192, 1991
Tibiofemoral joint forces during isokinetic knee extension
R Nisell, MO Ericson, G Nemeth, J Ekholm
The American journal of sports medicine 17 (1), 49-54, 1989
Health related quality of life outcome instruments
G Németh
European Spine Journal 15 (Suppl 1), S44-S51, 2006
Spinal stenosis re-operation rate in Sweden is 11% at 10 years—a national analysis of 9,664 operations
KÅ Jansson, G Németh, F Granath, P Blomqvist
European spine journal 14, 659-663, 2005
A model predicting individual shoulder muscle forces based on relationship between electromyographic and 3D external forces in static position
B Laursen, BR Jensen, G Németh, G Sjøgaard
Journal of biomechanics 31 (8), 731-739, 1998
Quality of life after a subtrochanteric fracture: a prospective cohort study on 87 elderly patients
W Ekström, G Németh, E Samnegård, N Dalen, J Tidermark
Injury 40 (4), 371-376, 2009
Health-related quality of life in patients before and after surgery for a herniated lumbar disc
KÅ Jansson, G Németh, F Granath, B Jönsson, P Blomqvist
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 87 (7), 959-964, 2005
Lumbar muscle fatigue and recovery in patients with long-term low-back trouble––electromyography and health-related factors
B Elfving, Å Dedering, G Németh
Clinical Biomechanics 18 (7), 619-630, 2003
Seeking care for low back pain in the general population: a two-year follow-up study: results from the MUSIC–Norrtälje study
E Vingård, M Mortimer, C Wiktorin, K Fredriksson, G Németh, L Alfredsson, ...
Spine 27 (19), 2159-2165, 2002
The load on the lumbo-sacral joint and trunk muscle activity during lifting
J Ekholm, UP Arborelius, G Nemeth
Ergonomics 25 (2), 145-161, 1982
Spinal stenosis surgery in Sweden 1987–1999
KÅ Jansson, P Blomqvist, F Granath, G Németh
European Spine Journal 12, 535-541, 2003
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