Ivan Landripet
Ivan Landripet
Dept. of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
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Pornography, sexual socialization, and satisfaction among young men
A Štulhofer, V Buško, I Landripet
Archives of Sexual Behavior 39 (1), 168-178, 2010
Is pornography use associated with sexual difficulties and dysfunctions among younger heterosexual men?
I Landripet, A Štulhofer
Journal of Sexual Medicine 12 (5), 1136-1139, 2015
Emotional intimacy, sexual desire, and sexual satisfaction among partnered heterosexual men
A Štulhofer, LC Ferreira, I Landripet
Sexual and Relationship Therapy 29 (2), 229-244, 2014
Pornography and sexual satisfaction - Any relationship?
A Štulhofer, I Landripet, A Momčilović, V Matko, P Kladarić, V Buško
Generation P? Youth, Gender and Pornography, 2007
Religiosity and sexual risk behavior among Croatian college students, 1998–2008
A Štulhofer, D Šoh, N Jelaska, V Baćak, I Landripet
Journal of Sex Research 48 (4), 360-371, 2011
Sexual Scripts Overlap Scale—Short Version
A Štulhofer, I Landripet
Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures, Third Edition, 604-606, 2011
Testing the Confluence Model of the Association Between Pornography Use and Male Sexual Aggression: A Longitudinal Assessment in Two Independent Adolescent Samples from Croatia
T Kohut, I Landripet, A Štulhofer
Archives of Sexual Behavior 50 (2), 647-665, 2021
Changes in HIV and STI related sexual risk taking among young Croatian adults: Findings from the 2005 and 2010 population-based surveys
I Landripet, V Baćak, A Štulhofer
Croatian Medical Journal 52 (4), 458-468, 2011
Young and sexual in Norway and Croatia: Revisiting the Scandinavian Versus Mediterranean Gendered Pattern of Sexual Initiation
B Træen, A Štulhofer, I Landripet
International Journal of Sexual Health 23 (3), 196-209, 2011
Pornografiekonsum in Pubertät und Adoleszenz: Gibt es Auswirkungen auf sexuelle Skripte, sexuelle Zufriedenheit und Intimität im jungen Erwachsenenalter?
A Štulhofer, G Schmidt, I Landripet
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 22 (01), 13-23, 2009
EU+?-: odnos građana Hrvatske prema pridruživanju Republike Hrvatske Europskoj Uniji
B Čulig, K Kufrin, I Landripet
FF Press, 2007
Testing the content progression thesis: A longitudinal assessment of pornography use and preference for coercive and violent content among male adolescents
I Landripet, V Buško, A Štulhofer
Social Science Research 81, 32-41, 2019
Religious faith and sexual risk taking among adolescents and emerging adults: A meta-analytic review
G Koletić, I Landripet, A Tafro, L Jurković, G Milas, A Štulhofer
Social Science & Medicine 291 (online first), 1-9, 2021
The Role of Family Socialization and Self-esteem in the Relationship Between Online Social Networks Use and Satisfaction with Bodily Appearance Among Female Adolescents
A Ciprić, I Landripet
Medijska istraživanja 23 (1), 101-125, 2017
HIV risks and HIV prevention among female sex workers in two largest urban settings in Croatia, 2008–2014
A Štulhofer, I Landripet, J Božić, I Božičević
AIDS Care 27 (6), 767-771, 2015
Spol, starenje i seksualnost: struktura i dinamika seksualnoga zadovoljstva u heteroseksualnom uzorku urbanih žena i muškaraca
A Štulhofer, J Zelenbrz, I Landripet, S Kuti, M Gregurović, H Tiljak
Društvena istraživanja 13 (6 (74)), 1011-1029, 2004
Changes in sexually transmitted infections-related sexual risk-taking among young Croatian adults: a 2005-2021 three-wave population-based study
I Landripet, I Božičević, V Baćak, A Štulhofer
Croatian Medical Journal 64, 186-197, 2023
Assessing the influence of pornography on sexual violence: A cross-cultural perspective
I Landripet, A Stulhofer, M Diamond
Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the International Academy of Sex Research, 12-15, 2006
Utopija i antiutopija u 20. stoljeću
I Landripet
Diskrepancija 2 (2): 75-94., 2001
Promjene u seksualnosti mladih? Rezultati istraživanja novoupisanih studenata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 1998. do 2008. godine
I Landripet, S Šević, D Car, V Baćak, M Mamula, A Štulhofer
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 19 (6 (110)), 995-1014, 2010
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