Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Gaoxi XiaoLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 38
False data injection on state estimation in power systems—Attacks, impacts, and defense: A survey
R Deng, G Xiao, R Lu, H Liang, AV Vasilakos
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (2), 411-423, 2016
Krav: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Lithium-ion battery health estimation with real-world data for electric vehicles
J Tian, X Liu, S Li, Z Wei, X Zhang, G Xiao, P Wang
Energy 270, 126855, 2023
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Motor imagery BCI classification based on multivariate variational mode decomposition
MT Sadiq, X Yu, Z Yuan, MZ Aziz, N ur Rehman, W Ding, G Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 6 (5 …, 2022
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Restoration of a multi-energy distribution system with joint district network reconfiguration via distributed stochastic programming
Z Li, Y Xu, P Wang, G Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 15 (3), 2667-2680, 2023
Krav: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Coordinated preparation and recovery of a post-disaster multi-energy distribution system considering thermal inertia and diverse uncertainties
Z Li, Y Xu, P Wang, G Xiao
Applied Energy 336, 120736, 2023
Krav: National Research Foundation, Singapore
On convergence performance of discrete-time optimal control based tracking differentiator
H Zhang, G Xiao, X Yu, Y Xie
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (4), 3359-3369, 2020
Krav: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Detection of false data injection attacks on smart grids: A resilience-enhanced scheme
B Li, R Lu, G Xiao, T Li, KKR Choo
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (4), 2679-2692, 2021
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Research Foundation …
Computerized multidomain EEG classification system: A new paradigm
X Yu, MZ Aziz, MT Sadiq, K Jia, Z Fan, G Xiao
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 26 (8), 3626-3637, 2022
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Distributed estimation under sensor attacks: Linear and nonlinear measurement models
M Meng, X Li, G Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 7, 156-165, 2021
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Target controllability of two-layer multiplex networks based on network flow theory
K Song, G Li, X Chen, L Deng, G Xiao, F Zeng, J Pei
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 51 (5), 2699-2711, 2019
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Event-triggered sliding mode load frequency control of multiarea power systems under periodic denial-of-service attacks
S Qiao, X Liu, Y Liang, G Xiao, Y Kang, SS Ge
IEEE Systems Journal 17 (2), 2803-2814, 2022
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Stochastic quasi-synchronization of heterogeneous delayed impulsive dynamical networks via single impulsive control
G Ling, MF Ge, X Liu, G Xiao, Q Fan
Neural Networks 139, 223-236, 2021
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Research Foundation …
On the throughput optimization for message dissemination in opportunistic underwater sensor networks
L Liu, R Wang, G Xiao, D Guo
Computer Networks 169, 107097, 2020
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Set controllability of Markov jump switching Boolean control networks and its applications
Y Li, H Li, G Xiao
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 45, 101179, 2022
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Design and assessment of sweep coverage algorithms for multiagent systems with online learning strategies
C Zhai, HT Zhang, G Xiao, MZQ Chen
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 52 (9), 5494-5505, 2021
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Research Foundation …
Universal behavior of the linear threshold model on weighted networks
X Li, P Wang, XJ Xu, G Xiao
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 123, 223-229, 2019
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Historical data learning based dynamic LSP routing for overlay IP/MPLS over WDM networks
X Yu, G Xiao, TH Cheng
Optical Fiber Technology 19 (4), 309-318, 2013
Krav: A*Star, Singapore
Identification of catastrophic cascading failures in protected power grids using optimal control
C Zhai, G Xiao, M Meng, H Zhang, B Li
Journal of Energy Engineering 147 (1), 06020001, 2021
Krav: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Target control and expandable target control of complex networks
G Li, P Tang, X Chen, G Xiao, M Meng, C Ma, L Shi
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (6), 3541-3564, 2020
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
State distribution of Markovian jump Boolean networks and its applications
M Meng, G Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 68 (3), 1815-1822, 2022
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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