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Epipelic and Epilithic Algae of Değirmendere River (Trabzon-Turkey) H KARA, B ŞAHİN Turkish Journal of Botany 25 (4), 177-186, 2001 | 63 | 2001 |
Epipelic and epilithic algae of lower parts of Yanbolu River (Trabzon, Turkey) B ŞAHİN Turkish Journal of Biology 27 (2), 107-115, 2003 | 60 | 2003 |
Algal flora of lakes Aygir and Balıkli (Trabzon, Turkey) B ŞAHİN Turkish Journal of Botany 24 (1), 35-45, 2000 | 52 | 2000 |
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Species composition and diversity of epipelic algae in Balık Lake (Şavşat-Artvin, Turkey) B ŞAHİN, B AKAR, I Bahceci Turkish Journal of Botany 34 (5), 441-448, 2010 | 38 | 2010 |
Akademik personelin çevre sorunları ve çevre eğitimine yönelik duygu, düşünce ve davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi M Ürey, B Şahin Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 3 (38), 134-149, 2010 | 35 | 2010 |
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Epipelic and epilithic algae of the Yedigöller Lakes (Erzurum-Turkey) B ŞAHİN Turkish Journal of Biology 26 (4), 221-228, 2002 | 33 | 2002 |
Species composition and diversity of epipelic algae in Balikli dam reservoir, Turkey S Kolayli, B Sahin Journal of Environmental Biology 30 (6), 939-944, 2009 | 31 | 2009 |
A preliminary checklist of desmids of Turkey S Bülent Cryptogamie, Algol 26 (4), 399-415, 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
Benthic algae (except Bacillariophyta) and their seasonal variations in Karagöl Lake (Borçka, Artvin-Turkey) S Kolayli, B ŞAHİN Turkish Journal of Botany 33 (1), 27-32, 2009 | 29 | 2009 |
Eğitim bilimine giriş F Ereş, M Aksüt, E Babaoğlan, A Helvacı, S Uygun, B Şahin, M Ülke, ... Ankara: Maya Akademi, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |
Epipelic and epilithic algae of Küçükgöl lake (Gümüşhane-Turkey) B ŞAHİN, B Akar Turkish Journal of Biology 29 (1), 57-63, 2005 | 28 | 2005 |
New desmid records of Karagöl Lake in Karagöl-Sahara National Park (Şavşat-Artvin/Turkey) B Akar, B Şahin Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14 (1), 2014 | 25 | 2014 |