David Chan
David Chan
national university of singapore, singapore management university, michigan state university
Verifierad e-postadress på smu.edu.sg
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Functional relations among constructs in the same content domain at different levels of analysis: A typology of composition models.
D Chan
Journal of applied psychology 83 (2), 234, 1998
So why ask me? Are self-report data really that bad?
D Chan
Statistical and methodological myths and urban legends, 329-356, 2010
Video-based versus paper-and-pencil method of assessment in situational judgment tests: subgroup differences in test performance and face validity perceptions.
D Chan, N Schmitt
Journal of applied psychology 82 (1), 143, 1997
The conceptualization and analysis of change over time: An integrative approach incorporating longitudinal mean and covariance structures analysis (LMACS) and multiple …
D Chan
Organizational research methods 1 (4), 421-483, 1998
Interindividual differences in intraindividual changes in proactivity during organizational entry: A latent growth modeling approach to understanding newcomer adaptation.
D Chan, N Schmitt
Journal of applied psychology 85 (2), 190, 2000
Personnel selection: A theoretical approach
N Schmitt, D Chan
Sage, 1998
Interactive effects of situational judgment effectiveness and proactive personality on work perceptions and work outcomes.
D Chan
Journal of Applied Psychology 91 (2), 475, 2006
Reactions to cognitive ability tests: the relationships between race, test performance, face validity perceptions, and test-taking motivation.
D Chan, N Schmitt, RP DeShon, CS Clause, K Delbridge
Journal of Applied Psychology 82 (2), 300, 1997
Situational judgment and job performance
D Chan, N Schmitt
Human Performance 15 (3), 233-254, 2002
What is method variance and how can we cope with it? A panel discussion
MT Brannick, D Chan, JM Conway, CE Lance, PE Spector
Organizational research methods 13 (3), 407-420, 2010
Cognitive misfit of problem-solving style at work: A facet of person-organization fit
D Chan
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 68 (3), 194-207, 1996
Adverse impact and predictive efficiency of various predictor combinations.
N Schmitt, W Rogers, D Chan, L Sheppard, D Jennings
Journal of applied psychology 82 (5), 719, 1997
Understanding adaptation to changes in the work environment: Integrating individual difference and learning perspectives
D Chan
JAI Press 18, 1, 2000
Multilevel methods: Future directions in measurement, longitudinal analyses, and nonnormal outcomes
PD Bliese, D Chan, RE Ployhart
Organizational Research Methods 10 (4), 551-563, 2007
Understanding pretest and posttest reactions to cognitive ability and personality tests.
D Chan, N Schmitt, JM Sacco, RP DeShon
Journal of applied psychology 83 (3), 471, 1998
Justice in organizations: Theory, methods, and applications
SW Gilliland, D Chan
Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology 2, 143-165, 2001
Longitudinal research: A panel discussion on conceptual issues, research design, and statistical techniques
M Wang, DJ Beal, D Chan, DA Newman, JB Vancouver, RJ Vandenberg
Work, Aging and Retirement 3 (1), 1-24, 2017
Employee attitude surveys in a multinational organization: Considering language and culture in assessing measurement equivalence
AM Ryan, D Chan, RE Ployhart, LA Slade
Personnel psychology 52 (1), 37-58, 1999
An agenda for future research on applicant reactions to selection procedures: A construct‐oriented approach
D Chan, N Schmitt
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 12 (1‐2), 9-23, 2004
Detection of differential item functioning on the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory using multiple-group mean and covariance structure analyses
D Chan
Multivariate Behavioral Research 35 (2), 169-199, 2000
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