Vickie Coleman Gallagher
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When person‐organization (mis) fit and (dis) satisfaction lead to turnover: The moderating role of perceived job mobility
AR Wheeler, V Coleman Gallagher, RL Brouer, CJ Sablynski
Journal of managerial psychology 22 (2), 203-219, 2007
The role of political skill in the stressor–outcome relationship: Differential predictions for self-and other-reports of political skill
JA Meurs, VC Gallagher, PL Perrewé
Journal of Vocational Behavior 76 (3), 520-533, 2010
Nonlinear politics perceptions—Work outcomes relationships: A three-study, five-sample investigation
WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, MD Laird, DC Treadway, ...
Journal of Management 36 (3), 740-763, 2010
Survival, expectations, and employment: An inquiry of refugees and immigrants to the United States
BE Baran, S Valcea, TH Porter, VC Gallagher
Journal of Vocational Behavior 105, 102-115, 2018
International strategies of emerging market multinationals: A dynamic capabilities perspective
P Deng, Y Liu, VC Gallagher, X Wu
Journal of Management & Organization 26 (4), 408-425, 2020
Empowered employees as social deviants: The role of abusive supervision
JD Mackey, RE Frieder, PL Perrewé, VC Gallagher, RA Brymer
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 149-162, 2015
Political skill dimensionality and impression management choice and effective use
RL Brouer, RL Badaway, VC Gallagher, JA Haber
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 217-233, 2015
Political skill and will as predictors of impression management frequency and style: A three-study investigation
LP Maher, VC Gallagher, AM Rossi, GR Ferris, PL Perrewé
Journal of Vocational Behavior 107, 276-294, 2018
Who cares? The role of job involvement in psychological contract violation
JS Stoner, VC Gallagher
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 40 (6), 1490-1514, 2010
Organizing for post‐implementation ERP: A contingency theory perspective
KP Gallagher, V Coleman Gallagher
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 25 (2), 170-185, 2012
A comprehensive three‐dimensional sustainability measure: The ‘missing P’of ‘people’–a vital stakeholder in sustainable development
VC Gallagher, MW Hrivnak, S Valcea, CB Mahoney, D LaWong
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 25 (5), 772-787, 2018
The Combined Effect of Political Skill and Political Decision Making on Job Satisfaction1
VC Gallagher, MD Laird
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (9), 2336-2360, 2008
Understanding the use of intimidation as a response to job tension: Career implications for the global leader
V Coleman Gallagher, KJ Harris, M Valle
Career Development International 13 (7), 648-666, 2008
The greening of organizational culture: revisited fifteen years later
TH Porter, VC Gallagher, D Lawong
American Journal of Business 31 (4), 206-226, 2016
Managing resources and need for cognition: Impact on depressed mood at work
VC Gallagher
Personality and Individual Differences 53 (4), 534-537, 2012
Impression management (IM) behaviors, IM culture, and job outcomes
KJ Harris, VC Gallagher, AM Rossi
Journal of Managerial Issues, 154-171, 2013
The interactive effects of emotional family support and perceived supervisor loyalty on the psychological contract breach—turnover relationship
JS Stoner, VC Gallagher, CR Stoner
Journal of Managerial Issues, 124-143, 2011
Situational and dispositional antecedents and consequences of impression management tactics: The role of political skill
VC Gallagher
The Florida State University, 2007
Political skill reduces the negative impact of distrust
V Coleman Gallagher, JA Meurs, KJ Harris
Career development international 21 (5), 442-458, 2016
Ability to manage resources in the impression management process: The mediating effects of resources on job performance
RL Brouer, VC Gallagher, RL Badawy
Journal of Business and Psychology 31, 515-531, 2016
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