Robin Steenweg
Robin Steenweg
Canadian Wildlife Service - ECCC
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Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes
AC Burton, E Neilson, D Moreira, A Ladle, R Steenweg, JT Fisher, ...
Journal of applied ecology 52 (3), 675-685, 2015
Scaling‐up camera traps: Monitoring the planet's biodiversity with networks of remote sensors
R Steenweg, M Hebblewhite, R Kays, J Ahumada, JT Fisher, C Burton, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (1), 26-34, 2017
Saving endangered species using adaptive management
R Serrouya, DR Seip, D Hervieux, BN McLellan, RS McNay, R Steenweg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (13), 6181-6186, 2019
Sampling scales define occupancy and underlying occupancy–abundance relationships in animals
R Steenweg, M Hebblewhite, J Whittington, P Lukacs, K McKelvey
Ecology 99 (1), 172-183, 2018
Assessing global patterns in mammalian carnivore occupancy and richness by integrating local camera trap surveys
LN Rich, CL Davis, ZJ Farris, DAW Miller, JM Tucker, S Hamel, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (8), 918-929, 2017
Ecological correlates of the spatial co‐occurrence of sympatric mammalian carnivores worldwide
CL Davis, LN Rich, ZJ Farris, MJ Kelly, MS Di Bitetti, YD Blanco, ...
Ecology Letters 21 (9), 1401-1412, 2018
Camera-based occupancy monitoring at large scales: Power to detect trends in grizzly bears across the Canadian Rockies
R Steenweg, J Whittington, M Hebblewhite, A Forshner, B Johnston, ...
Biological Conservation 201, 192-200, 2016
Functional responses in habitat selection: clarifying hypotheses and interpretations
JD Holbrook, LE Olson, NJ DeCesare, M Hebblewhite, JR Squires, ...
Ecological Applications 29 (3), e01852, 2019
The role of human outdoor recreation in shaping patterns of grizzly bear-black bear co-occurrence
A Ladle, R Steenweg, B Shepherd, MS Boyce
PLoS One 13 (2), e0191730, 2018
Assessing Potential Habitat and Carrying Capacity for Reintroduction of Plains Bison (Bison bison bison) in Banff National Park
R Steenweg, M Hebblewhite, D Gummer, B Low, B Hunt
PloS one 11 (2), e0150065, 2016
Species‐specific differences in detection and occupancy probabilities help drive ability to detect trends in occupancy
R Steenweg, M Hebblewhite, J Whittington, K McKelvey
Ecosphere 10 (4), e02639, 2019
Considering sampling approaches when determining carnivore diets: the importance of where, how, and when scats are collected
R Steenweg, MP Gillingham, KL Parker, DC Heard
Mammal Research 60, 207-216, 2015
Habitat loss on seasonal migratory range imperils an endangered ungulate
SH Williams, R Steenweg, T Hegel, M Russell, D Hervieux, ...
Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2 (1), 2021
Genomics, environment and balancing selection in behaviourally bimodal populations: The caribou case
M Cavedon, C Gubili, E Heppenheimer, B vonHoldt, S Mariani, ...
Molecular ecology 28 (8), 1946-1963, 2019
Interactions of Wolves, Mountain Caribou and an Increased Moose-hunting Quota: Primary-prey Management as an Approach to Caribou Recovery
RW Steenweg
University of Northern British Columbia, 2011
An assessment of sampling designs using SCR analyses to estimate abundance of boreal caribou
S McFarlane, M Manseau, R Steenweg, D Hervieux, T Hegel, S Slater, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (20), 11631-11642, 2020
Dispersal of Warren root collar weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in three types of habitat
LA Machial, BS Lindgren, RW Steenweg, BH Aukema
Environmental entomology 41 (3), 578-586, 2012
Seasonal movements in caribou ecotypes of Western Canada
J Theoret, M Cavedon, T Hegel, D Hervieux, H Schwantje, R Steenweg, ...
Movement Ecology 10 (1), 12, 2022
Testing umbrella species and food-web properties of large carnivores in the Rocky Mountains
R Steenweg, M Hebblewhite, C Burton, J Whittington, N Heim, JT Fisher, ...
Biological Conservation 278, 109888, 2023
Genomic legacy of migration in endangered caribou
M Cavedon, B vonHoldt, M Hebblewhite, T Hegel, E Heppenheimer, ...
PLoS genetics 18 (2), e1009974, 2022
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