Go Iwai
Go Iwai
KEK - High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
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The belle detector
A Abashian, K Gotow, N Morgan, L Piilonen, S Schrenk, K Abe, I Adachi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2002
Observation of Large Violation in the Neutral Meson System
K Abe, R Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, K Asai, ...
Physical review letters 87 (9), 091802, 2001
Belle II technical design report
T Abe, I Adachi, K Adamczyk, S Ahn, H Aihara, K Akai, M Aloi, L Andricek, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.0352, 2010
The physics of the B factories
A Bevan, B Golob, T Mannel, S Prell, B Yabsley
Springer Nature, 2017
A measurement of the branching fraction for the inclusive B→ Xsγ decays with the Belle detector
K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, K Aoki, K Asai, ...
Physics Letters B 511 (2-4), 151-158, 2001
Measurement of the Violation Parameter in Meson Decays
A Abashian, K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, ...
Physical review letters 86 (12), 2509, 2001
The international large detector: Letter of intent
T Abe, S Schuwalow, M Yamauchi, J Schaffran, H Ikeda, W Qian, ...
Measurement of Branching Fractions for , , and Decays
K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, Y Asano, T Aso, ...
Physical review letters 87 (10), 101801, 2001
Measurement of B d 0− B¯ d 0 Mixing Rate from the Time Evolution of Dilepton Events at the ϒ (4 S)
K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, K Aoki, K Asai, ...
Physical review letters 86 (15), 3228, 2001
Measurement of the branching fraction for B→ η′ K and search for B→ η′ π+
K Abe, R Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, Y Asano, T Aso, ...
Physics Letters B 517 (3-4), 309-318, 2001
Observation of Cabibbo Suppressed Decays at Belle
K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, Y Asano, T Aso, ...
Physical review letters 87 (11), 111801, 2001
The BELLE silicon vertex detector
G Alimonti, H Aihara, J Alexander, Y Asano, A Bakich, A Bożek, E Banaś, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2000
Observation of
K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, Y Asano, T Aso, V Aulchenko, ...
Physical review letters 87 (16), 161601, 2001
Measurement of B0(d) - anti-B0(d) mixing rate from the time evolution of dilepton events at the Upsilon(4S)
K Abe, K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, K Aoki, ...
Physical Review Letters 86, 3228, 0
Measurement of inclusive production of neutral pions from decays
K Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, G Alimonti, K Aoki, K Asai, ...
Physical Review D 64 (7), 072001, 2001
Search for direct violation in decays
K Abe, R Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, Y Asano, T Aso, ...
Physical Review D 64 (7), 071101, 2001
Geant4-based particle therapy simulation framework for verification of dose distributions in proton therapy facilities
T Akagi, T Aso, G Iwai, A Kimura, S Kameoka, S Lee, Y Maeda, ...
Prog Nucl Sci Technol 4, 896-900, 2014
Evidence for the electroweak penguin decay B ---> X(s) l+ l
K Abe, K Abe, R Abe, I Adachi, BS Ahn, H Aihara, M Akatsu, K Asai, ...
Arxiv preprint hep-ex/0107072, 0
Dosimetric evaluation of nuclear interaction models in the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit for carbon-ion radiotherapy
S Kameoka, K Amako, G Iwai, K Murakami, T Sasaki, T Toshito, ...
Radiological physics and technology 1, 183-187, 2008
The DCBA experiment for studying neutrinoless double beta-decay
N Ishihara, G Iwai, H Iwase, Y Kato, M Kawai, Y Kondou, T Haruyama, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 203 (1), 012071, 2010
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