Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Wellington AndrausLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 2
Registry of the International Society of Uterus Transplantation: first report
M Brännström, SG Tullius, S Brucker, P Dahm-Kähler, R Flyckt, I Kisu, ...
Transplantation 107 (1), 10-17, 2023
Krav: Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse, Vetenskapsrådet
Launch of the international living donor liver transplantation outcomes registry
S Staubli, AS Grover, BRH Turner, DA Raptis, M Spiro, P Tinguely, ...
The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 8 (8), 698-699, 2023
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Tillgängliga någonstans: 11
Experimental models of liver fibrosis
S Crespo Yanguas, B Cogliati, J Willebrords, M Maes, I Colle, ...
Archives of toxicology 90, 1025-1048, 2016
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission
Strategies, models and biomarkers in experimental non-alcoholic fatty liver disease research
J Willebrords, IVA Pereira, M Maes, SC Yanguas, I Colle, ...
Progress in lipid research 59, 106-125, 2015
Krav: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission
In vivo and in vitro models of hepatocellular carcinoma: current strategies for translational modeling
GR Romualdo, K Leroy, CJS Costa, GB Prata, B Vanderborght, ...
Cancers 13 (21), 5583, 2021
Krav: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Research Foundation …
Predictors of mortality in solid organ transplant recipients with bloodstream infections due to carbapenemase‐producing Enterobacterales: The impact of …
E Pérez‐Nadales, B Gutiérrez‐Gutiérrez, AM Natera, E Abdala, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 20 (6), 1629-1641, 2020
Krav: Government of Spain
The impact of stressors and overload on informal caregivers of patients with cirrhosis: The first use of the Burden Scale for Family Caregivers in Brazil
R Sanches Slusarski Martins, LZ Pipek, GHA Mesquita, F Nii, ...
Journal of health psychology 27 (2), 408-421, 2022
Krav: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Acute acalculous cholecystitis during zika virus infection in an immunocompromised patient
SK Ono, L Bassit, V Van Vaisberg, V Avancini Ferreira Alves, EG Caldini, ...
Hepatology 67 (5), 2051-2054, 2018
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Uterus procurement from deceased donor for transplantation
F Castro, D Ejzenberg, RS Pinheiro, L Ducatti, RM Arantes, L Nacif, ...
Transplant International 34 (12), 2570-2577, 2021
Krav: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
MICRObiota on BILIOpancreatic malignant diseases [MICROBILIO]: A systematic review
VC de Mattos, FS do Nascimento, MO Suzuki, JV Taba, LZ Pipek, ...
Clinics 77, 100101, 2022
Krav: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Immunomodulatory response in an experimental model of brain death
AC Santana, W Andraus, D Zimelewicz Oberman, NN Rabelo, FMO Silva, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 10524, 2023
Krav: US National Institutes of Health
Model for establishing a new liver transplantation center through mentorship from a university with transplantation expertise
RS Pinheiro, W Andraus, FG Romeiro, RB de Martino, L Ducatti, ...
Plos one 17 (3), e0266361, 2022
Krav: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Instrument to evaluate the knowledge of patient with cirrhosis on his disease: construction and validity
M Stelmach, KA de Almeida Medeiros, BJ Carvalho, LZ Pipek, ...
BMC gastroenterology 21, 1-7, 2021
Krav: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
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