Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Prof. Ahmad Faried., MD., SpBS(K)., PhD., FICS., DABRMLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 4
Anti-inflammatory activity of Tetragronula species from Indonesia
M Sahlan, A Devina, DK Pratami, H Situmorang, S Farida, A Munim, ...
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26 (7), 1531-1538, 2019
Krav: US Agency for International Development
Novel Chemically Synthesized, Alpha-Mangostin-Loaded Nano-Particles, Enhanced Cell Death Through Multiple Pathways Against Malignant Glioma
S Zheng, J Liu, A Faried, SA Richard, X Gao
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 14 (11), 1837-2002, 2018
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Anti-tumor activity of metformin in human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive breast cancer cells
F Huda, S Ekawati, AP Addina, A Faried, A Berbudi, T Rusdiana
Sains Malaysiana 50 (5), 1393-1405, 2021
Krav: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Assessment of Intratumoral Heterogeneity in Isolated Human Primary High-Grade Glioma: Cluster of Differentiation 133 and Cluster of Differentiation 15 Double Staining of …
A Faried, W Widowati, R Rizal, HMB Bolly, D Halim, WS Widodo, ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (A), 87-94, 2021
Krav: World Health Organization
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