Discrete choice analysis: theory and application to travel demand ME Ben-Akiva, SR Lerman MIT press, 1985 | 14568 | 1985 |
Discrete choice methods and their applications to short term travel decisions M Ben-Akiva, M Bierlaire Handbook of transportation science, 5-33, 1999 | 1544 | 1999 |
Activity-based disaggregate travel demand model system with activity schedules JL Bowman, ME Ben-Akiva Transportation research part a: policy and practice 35 (1), 1-28, 2001 | 1226 | 2001 |
Consideration set influences on consumer decision-making and choice: Issues, models, and suggestions AD Shocker, M Ben-Akiva, B Boccara, P Nedungadi Marketing letters 2, 181-197, 1991 | 999 | 1991 |
Hybrid choice models: Progress and challenges M Ben-Akiva, D McFadden, K Train, J Walker, C Bhat, M Bierlaire, ... Marketing Letters 13, 163-175, 2002 | 947 | 2002 |
Dynamic network models and driver information systems M Ben-Akiva, A De Palma, K Isam Transportation Research Part A: General 25 (5), 251-266, 1991 | 870 | 1991 |
Structure of passenger travel demand models. ME Ben-Akiva Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1973 | 843 | 1973 |
Generalized random utility model J Walker, M Ben-Akiva Mathematical social sciences 43 (3), 303-343, 2002 | 766 | 2002 |
Integration of choice and latent variable models M Ben-Akiva, J Walker, AT Bernardino, DA Gopinath, T Morikawa, ... Perpetual motion: Travel behaviour research opportunities and application …, 2002 | 741 | 2002 |
Disaggregate travel and mobility-choice models and measures of accessibility M Ben-Akiva, SR Lerman Behavioural travel modelling, 654-679, 2021 | 707 | 2021 |
Discrete choice models with latent choice sets M Ben-Akiva, B Boccara International journal of Research in Marketing 12 (1), 9-24, 1995 | 656 | 1995 |
Estimation of switching models from revealed preferences and stated intentions M Ben-Akiva, T Morikawa Transportation Research Part A: General 24 (6), 485-495, 1990 | 623 | 1990 |
The demand for local telephone service: A fully discrete model of residential calling patterns and service choices KE Train, DL McFadden, M Ben-Akiva The RAND Journal of Economics, 109-123, 1987 | 615 | 1987 |
Integrated driving behavior modeling T Toledo, HN Koutsopoulos, M Ben-Akiva Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 15 (2), 96-112, 2007 | 542 | 2007 |
Incorporating random constraints in discrete models of choice set generation J Swait, M Ben-Akiva Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 21 (2), 91-102, 1987 | 487 | 1987 |
A theoretical and empirical model of trip chaining behavior T Adler, M Ben-Akiva Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 13 (3), 243-257, 1979 | 478 | 1979 |
Simulation laboratory for evaluating dynamic traffic management systems Q Yang, HN Koutsopoulos, ME Ben-Akiva Transportation Research Record 1710 (1), 122-130, 2000 | 475 | 2000 |
Modelling inter urban route choice behaviour M Ben-Akiva, MJ Bergman, AJ Daly, R Ramaswamy Papers presented during the Ninth International Symposium on Transportation …, 1984 | 451 | 1984 |
Modeling integrated lane-changing behavior T Toledo, HN Koutsopoulos, ME Ben-Akiva Transportation Research Record 1857 (1), 30-38, 2003 | 430 | 2003 |
Moving from trip-based to activity-based measures of accessibility X Dong, ME Ben-Akiva, JL Bowman, JL Walker Transportation Research Part A: policy and practice 40 (2), 163-180, 2006 | 427 | 2006 |