Rudolf Kurt Thauer
Rudolf Kurt Thauer
Professor of Microbiology MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology Marburg
Verifierad e-postadress på mpi-marburg.mpg.de
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Energy conservation in chemotrophic anaerobic bacteria
RK Thauer, K Jungermann, K Decker
Bacteriological reviews 41 (1), 100-180, 1977
Methanogenic archaea: ecologically relevant differences in energy conservation
RK Thauer, AK Kaster, H Seedorf, W Buckel, R Hedderich
Nature Reviews Microbiology 6 (8), 579-591, 2008
Frontiers, Opportunities, and Challenges in Biochemical and Chemical Catalysis of CO2 Fixation
AM Appel, JE Bercaw, AB Bocarsly, H Dobbek, DL DuBois, M Dupuis, ...
Chemical reviews 113 (8), 6621-6658, 2013
Biochemistry of methanogenesis: a tribute to Marjory Stephenson: 1998 Marjory Stephenson prize lecture
RK Thauer
Microbiology 144 (9), 2377-2406, 1998
Energy conservation via electron bifurcating ferredoxin reduction and proton/Na+ translocating ferredoxin oxidation
W Buckel, RK Thauer
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1827 (2), 94-113, 2013
Crystal structure of methyl-coenzyme M reductase: the key enzyme of biological methane formation
U Ermler, W Grabarse, S Shima, M Goubeaud, RK Thauer
Science 278 (5342), 1457-1462, 1997
The crystal structure of [Fe]-hydrogenase reveals the geometry of the active site
S Shima, O Pilak, S Vogt, M Schick, MS Stagni, W Meyer-Klaucke, ...
Science 321 (5888), 572-575, 2008
Different Ks values for hydrogen of methanogenic bacteria and sulfate reducing bacteria: An explanation for the apparent inhibition of methanogenesis by sulfate
JK Kristjansson, P Schönheit, RK Thauer
Archives of microbiology 131, 278-282, 1982
The genome of Clostridium kluyveri, a strict anaerobe with unique metabolic features
H Seedorf, WF Fricke, B Veith, H Brüggemann, H Liesegang, A Strittmatter, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (6), 2128-2133, 2008
Coupled Ferredoxin and Crotonyl Coenzyme A (CoA) Reduction with NADH Catalyzed by the Butyryl-CoA Dehydrogenase/Etf Complex from Clostridium kluyveri
F Li, J Hinderberger, H Seedorf, J Zhang, W Buckel, RK Thauer
Journal of bacteriology 190 (3), 843-850, 2008
Hydrogenases from Methanogenic Archaea, Nickel, a Novel Cofactor, and H2 Storage
RK Thauer, AK Kaster, M Goenrich, M Schick, T Hiromoto, S Shima
Annual review of biochemistry 79 (1), 507-536, 2010
Kinetic mechanism for the ability of sulfate reducers to out-compete methanogens for acetate
P Schönheit, JK Kristjansson, RK Thauer
Archives of microbiology 132 (3), 285-288, 1982
Coupling of ferredoxin and heterodisulfide reduction via electron bifurcation in hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea
AK Kaster, J Moll, K Parey, RK Thauer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (7), 2981-2986, 2011
The key nickel enzyme of methanogenesis catalyses the anaerobic oxidation of methane
S Scheller, M Goenrich, R Boecher, RK Thauer, B Jaun
Nature 465 (7298), 606-608, 2010
Nickel, cobalt, and molybdenum requirement for growth of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
P Schönheit, J Moll, RK Thauer
Archives of Microbiology 123, 105-107, 1979
A conspicuous nickel protein in microbial mats that oxidize methane anaerobically
M Krüger, A Meyerdierks, FO Glöckner, R Amann, F Widdel, M Kube, ...
Nature 426 (6968), 878-881, 2003
Growth parameters (K s, μmax, Y s) of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum
P Schönheit, J Moll, RK Thauer
Archives of Microbiology 127 (1), 59-65, 1980
A third type of hydrogenase catalyzing H2 activation
S Shima, RK Thauer
The chemical record 7 (1), 37-46, 2007
C1 transfer enzymes and coenzymes linking methylotrophic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea
L Chistoserdova, JA Vorholt, RK Thauer, ME Lidstrom
Science 281 (5373), 99-102, 1998
The Genome Sequence of Methanosphaera stadtmanae Reveals Why This Human Intestinal Archaeon Is Restricted to Methanol and H2 for Methane Formation …
WF Fricke, H Seedorf, A Henne, M Krüer, H Liesegang, R Hedderich, ...
Journal of bacteriology 188 (2), 642-658, 2006
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