Frank van Meurs
Frank van Meurs
Assistant Professor in Communication and Information Sciences
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English in Dutch commercials: Not understood and not appreciated
M Gerritsen, H Korzilius, F Van Meurs, I Gijsbers
Journal of advertising research 40 (4), 1-12, 2000
English in product advertisements in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain
M Gerritsen, C Nickerson, A Van Hooft, F Van Meurs, U Nederstigt, ...
World Englishes 26 (3), 291-315, 2007
English or a local language in advertising? The appreciation of easy and difficult English slogans in the Netherlands
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs, A de Boer
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 47 (2), 169-188, 2010
English in product advertisements in non-English-speaking countries in Western Europe: Product image and comprehension of the text
M Gerritsen, C Nickerson, A Van Hooft, F Van Meurs, H Korzilius, ...
Journal of Global Marketing 23 (4), 349-365, 2010
The effectiveness of foreign-language display in advertising for congruent versus incongruent products
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs, RJ Hof
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 25 (3), 152-165, 2013
An empirical study of readers' associations with multilingual advertising: The case of French, German and Spanish in Dutch advertising
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs, M Starren
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 28 (3), 204-219, 2007
The effects of the use of English in Polish product advertisements: Implications for English for business purposes
B Planken, F Van Meurs, A Radlinska
English for Specific Purposes 29 (4), 225-242, 2010
The evaluation of lecturers' nonnative-accented English: Dutch and German students' evaluations of different degrees of Dutch-accented and German-accented English of lecturers …
B Hendriks, F van Meurs, AK Reimer
Journal of English for academic purposes 34, 28-45, 2018
Foreign languages in advertising as implicit country-of-origin cues: Mechanism, associations, and effectiveness
J Hornikx, F van Meurs
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 29 (2), 60-73, 2017
A reconsideration of the status of English in the Netherlands within the Kachruvian Three Circles model
M Gerritsen, F Van Meurs, B Planken, H Korzilius
World Englishes 35 (3), 457-474, 2016
Foreign languages in advertising
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs
Springer International Publishing, 2020
How brands highlight country of origin in magazine advertising: A content analysis
J Hornikx, F van Meurs, J van den Heuvel, A Janssen
Journal of Global Marketing 33 (1), 34-45, 2020
The effects of degrees of D utch accentedness in ELF and in F rench, G erman and S panish
B Hendriks, F van Meurs, E de Groot
International Journal of Applied Linguistics 27 (1), 44-66, 2017
The effects of lecturers’ non-native accent strength in English on intelligibility and attitudinal evaluations by native and non-native English students
B Hendriks, F van Meurs, N Usmany
Language Teaching Research 27 (6), 1378-1407, 2023
Effects of degree of accentedness in lecturers’ Dutch-English pronunciation on Dutch students’ attitudes and perceptions of comprehensibility
B Hendriks, F Van Meurs, N Hogervorst
Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 5 (1), 1-17, 2016
English in print advertising in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands: Frequency of occurence, comprehensibility and the effect on corporate image
M Gerritsen, C Nickerson, C Van den Brandt, RMJ Crijns, ND Rodríguez, ...
Peter Lang, 2007
The influence of the use of English in Dutch job advertisements: An experimental study into the effects on text evaluation, on attitudes towards the organisation and the job …
F Meurs, H Korzilius, JJ Hermans
English in job advertisements in the Netherlands: Reasons, use and effects
F Meurs
sl: sn, 2010
Does a foreign accent sell? The effect of foreign accents in radio commercials for congruent and non-congruent products
B Hendriks, F van Meurs, E van der Meij
Multilingua 34 (1), 119-130, 2015
Raising student awareness of the use of English for specific business purposes in the European context: A staff–student project
C Nickerson, M Gerritsen, F van Meurs
English for Specific Purposes 24 (3), 333-345, 2005
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