Manfred Schmitt
Manfred Schmitt
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Differences between tight and loose cultures: A 33-nation study
MJ Gelfand, JL Raver, L Nishii, LM Leslie, J Lun, BC Lim, L Duan, ...
science 332 (6033), 1100-1104, 2011
A meta-analysis on the correlation between the Implicit Association Test and explicit self-report measures
W Hofmann, B Gawronski, T Gschwendner, H Le, M Schmitt
Personality and social psychology bulletin 31 (10), 1369-1385, 2005
Statistik und Forschungsmethoden: Mit Online-Materialien
M Eid, M Gollwitzer, M Schmitt
Beltz, 1970
Recommendations for increasing replicability in psychology
JB Asendorpf, M Conner, F De Fruyt, J De Houwer, JJA Denissen, ...
European journal of personality 27 (2), 108-119, 2013
Working memory capacity and self-regulatory behavior: toward an individual differences perspective on behavior determination by automatic versus controlled processes.
W Hofmann, T Gschwendner, M Friese, RW Wiers, M Schmitt
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (4), 962, 2008
Latent state–trait theory and research in personality and individual differences
R Steyer, M Schmitt, M Eid
European Journal of Personality 13 (5), 389-408, 1999
Justice sensitivity
M Schmitt, M Gollwitzer, J Maes, D Arbach
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 21 (3), 202-211, 2005
Glaube an eine gerechte Welt als Motiv: Validierungskorrelate zweier Skalen.
C Dalbert, L Montada, M Schmitt
Psychologische Beitrage, 1987
States and traits in psychological assessment.
R Steyer, D Ferring, MJ Schmitt
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 1992
The Justice Sensitivity Inventory: Factorial validity, location in the personality facet space, demographic pattern, and normative data
M Schmitt, A Baumert, M Gollwitzer, J Maes
Social Justice Research 23, 211-238, 2010
Low self-esteem is a risk factor for depressive symptoms from young adulthood to old age.
U Orth, RW Robins, KH Trzesniewski, J Maes, M Schmitt
Journal of abnormal psychology 118 (3), 472, 2009
When and why do implicit measures predict behaviour? Empirical evidence for the moderating role of opportunity, motivation, and process reliance
M Friese, W Hofmann, M Schmitt
European review of social psychology 19 (1), 285-338, 2008
Dispositional sensitivity to befallen injustice
MJ Schmitt, R Neumann, L Montada
Social Justice Research 8, 385-407, 1995
Procedural injustice at work, justice sensitivity, job satisfaction and psychosomatic well‐being
M Schmitt, M Dörfel
European Journal of Social Psychology 29 (4), 443-453, 1999
What moderates implicit—explicit consistency?
W Hofmann, T Gschwendner, BA Nosek, M Schmitt
European review of social psychology 16 (1), 335-390, 2005
Thinking about justice and dealing with one’s own privileges: A study of existential guilt
L Montada, M Schmitt, C Dalbert
Justice in social relations, 125-143, 1986
Asymmetrical effects of justice sensitivity perspectives on prosocial and antisocial behavior
M Gollwitzer, M Schmitt, R Schalke, J Maes, A Baer
Social Justice Research 18, 183-201, 2005
Vorschlag zur vereinfachung des beck-depressions-inventars (BDI)
M Schmitt, J Maes
Inst. für Psychologie, 1999
What gives victims satisfaction when they seek revenge?
M Gollwitzer, M Meder, M Schmitt
European journal of social psychology 41 (3), 364-374, 2011
Self-esteem development across the life span: a longitudinal study with a large sample from Germany.
U Orth, J Maes, M Schmitt
Developmental psychology 51 (2), 248, 2015
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