Dr. Katherine M. Johnson
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Race-ethnicity and medical services for infertility: Stratified reproduction in a population-based sample of US women
AL Greil, J McQuillan, KM Shreffler, KM Johnson, KS Slauson-Blevins
Journal of health and social behavior 52 (4), 493-509, 2011
Doing gender, doing surveys? Women's gatekeeping and men's non‐participation in multi‐actor reproductive surveys
K Slauson‐Blevins, KM Johnson
Sociological inquiry 86 (3), 427-449, 2016
The hidden infertile: infertile women without pregnancy intent in the United States
AL Greil, J McQuillan, K Johnson, K Slauson-Blevins, KM Shreffler
Fertility and sterility 93 (6), 2080-2083, 2010
Revisiting “her” infertility: Medicalized embodiment, self-identification and distress
KM Johnson, J Fledderjohann
Social Science & Medicine 75 (5), 883-891, 2012
Specifying the effects of religion on medical helpseeking: The case of infertility
A Greil, J McQuillan, M Benjamins, DR Johnson, KM Johnson, CR Heinz
Social Science & Medicine 71 (4), 734-742, 2010
Excluding lesbian and single women? An analysis of US fertility clinic websites
KM Johnson
Women's Studies International Forum 35 (5), 394-402, 2012
Fertility and infertility: Toward an integrative research agenda
KM Johnson, AL Greil, KM Shreffler, J McQuillan
Population research and policy review 37, 641-666, 2018
Partnered Decisions? US Couples and Medical Help‐Seeking for Infertility
KM Johnson, DR Johnson
Family relations 58 (4), 431-444, 2009
A scoping review of rehabilitation interventions that reduce fatigue among adults with multiple sclerosis
M Asano, E Berg, K Johnson, M Turpin, ML Finlayson
Disability and Rehabilitation 37 (9), 729-738, 2015
Marital name changing attitudes and plans of college students: Comparing change over time and across regions
LK Scheuble, DR Johnson, KM Johnson
Sex Roles 66, 282-292, 2012
Amount, source, and quality of support as predictors of women's birth evaluations
RM Simon, KM Johnson, J Liddell
Birth 43 (3), 226-232, 2016
Working and nursing: Navigating job and breastfeeding demands at work
KM Johnson, C Salpini
Community, Work & Family 20 (4), 479-496, 2017
Making families: Organizational boundary work in US egg and sperm donation
KM Johnson
Social Science & Medicine 99, 64-71, 2013
The importance of social cues for discretionary health services utilization: The case of infertility
AL Greil, KM Shreffler, KM Johnson, J McQuillan, K Slauson‐Blevins
Sociological Inquiry 83 (2), 209-237, 2013
Fertility clinic, egg donation agency, and sperm bank policies
KM Johnson
Fertility and sterility 96 (4), 877-879, 2011
Are prior pregnancy outcomes relevant for models of fertility-specific distress or infertility helpseeking?
AL Greil, KM Johnson, J Mcquillan, N Lacy
Informa Healthcare Stockholm, 2011
‘Just because a doctor says something, doesn't mean that [it] will happen’: Self‐perception as having a Fertility Problem among Infertility Patients
O Leyser‐Whalen, AL Greil, J McQuillan, KM Johnson, KM Shrefffler
Sociology of health & illness 40 (3), 445-462, 2018
Decline in ethical concerns about reproductive technologies among a representative sample of US women
AL Greil, KS Slauson-Blevins, KM Shreffler, KM Johnson, MH Lowry, ...
Public Understanding of Science 26 (7), 789-805, 2017
Towards a More Inclusive Framework for Understanding Fertility Barriers
KM Johnson, J McQuillan, AL Greil, KM Shreffler
Reframing Reproduction: Conceiving Gendered Experiences, 2014
Women’s attitudes toward biomedical technology for infertility: The case for technological salience
KM Johnson, RM Simon
Gender & Society 26 (2), 261-289, 2012
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