Jan Spies
Jan Spies
Psychotraumazentrum Bundeswehrkrankenhaus Berlin
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PsychotherapyPlus: augmentation of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in major depressive disorder—study design …
M Bajbouj, S Aust, J Spies, AL Herrera-Melendez, SV Mayer, M Peters, ...
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience 268, 797-808, 2018
Efficacy of augmentation of cognitive behavioral therapy with transcranial direct current stimulation for depression: a randomized clinical trial
S Aust, EL Brakemeier, J Spies, AL Herrera-Melendez, T Kaiser, ...
JAMA psychiatry 79 (6), 528-537, 2022
Evaluation of an internet-based intervention for service members of the German armed forces with deployment-related posttraumatic stress symptoms
H Niemeyer, C Knaevelsrud, S Schumacher, S Engel, A Kuester, ...
BMC psychiatry 20, 1-14, 2020
CBASP als stationäres Behandlungskonzept der therapieresistenten chronischen Depression: Eine Pilotstudie zum Zusammenhang von Nebenwirkungen und Therapieerfolg
EL Brakemeier, P Herzog, M Radtke, R Schneibel, V Breger, M Becker, ...
PPmP-Psychotherapie· Psychosomatik· Medizinische Psychologie 68 (09/10), 399-407, 2018
Associations between difficulties in emotion regulation and post-traumatic stress disorder in deployed service members of the German Armed Forces
JP Spies, JC Cwik, GD Willmund, C Knaevelsrud, S Schumacher, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 576553, 2020
Interpersonelles Integratives Modellprojekt für Geflüchtete mit psychischen Störungen
EL Brakemeier, J Zimmermann, E Erz, S Bollmann, S Rump, ...
Psychotherapeut 62 (4), 322-332, 2017
Psychometric properties of the German version of the clinician-administered PTSD scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) in clinical routine settings: study design and protocol of a …
JP Spies, ML Woud, H Kessler, H Rau, GD Willmund, K Köhler, ...
BMJ open 10 (6), e036078, 2020
Attentional bias in veterans with deployment-related posttraumatic stress disorder before and after internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy–An eye-tracking investigation
A Kuester, H Niemeyer, S Schumacher, S Engel, J Spies, D Weiß, ...
Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy 30 (4), 267-281, 2020
Interpersonelles integratives Modellprojekt für Flüchtlinge mit psychischen Störungen (IIMPF): Ein interkulturelles Kurzzeit-Hilfsprogramm für Flüchtlinge mit psychischen …
EL Brakemeier, S Rump, J Spies, M Schouler-Ocak
Rep Psychol 11 (12), 442-443, 2015
Feasibility and outcome of an inpatient interpersonal skills group for older adults (65+) with acute or chronic depression
S Bollmann, J Spies, J Hodzic, F Hohl-Radke, EL Brakemeier
GeroPsych, 2020
Attentional bias in German Armed Forces veterans with and without posttraumatic stress symptoms–An eye-tracking investigation and group comparison
A Kuester, S Schumacher, H Niemeyer, S Engel, J Spies, D Weiß, ...
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 76, 101726, 2022
EffECTively treating depression: a pilot study examining manualized group CBT as follow-up treatment after ECT
L Carstens, C Hartling, S Aust, AK Domke, A Stippl, J Spies, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 723977, 2021
Relevanz kognitiver und motivationaler Strukturen im Asian Disease Problem-Eine Analyse mithilfe verbaler Protokolle
J Spies
Wien: Universität Wien, Fakultät für Psychologie, 2013
Psychometric properties of the German version of the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) in routine clinical settings: a multi-trait/multi-method study in …
JC Cwik, J Spies, H Kessler, S Herpertz, ML Woud, SE Blackwell, ...
Salivary Cortisol and Alpha-Amylase as Predictors of Response to an Internet-Based Treatment for German Soldiers with PTSD
S Schumacher, S Engel, H Niemeyer, A Kuester, J Spies, N Skoluda, ...
European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10, 2-4, 2019
CBASP as an inpatient concept for treatment-resistant chronic depression: A pilot study of the relationship between adverse effects and treatment outcome
EL Brakemeier, P Herzog, M Radtke, R Schneibel, V Breger, M Becker, ...
Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie 68 (9-10), 399-407, 2018
KVTplus Gruppentherapie: Manual für Studienteilnehmer: innen: PsychotherapiePlus: Augmentation von kognitiv-behavioraler Psychotherapie mit präfrontaler Gleichstromstimulation …
J Spies, S Bollmann, A Guhn, S Aust, F Padberg, EL Brakemeier
KVTplus Gruppentherapie: Manual für Studientherapeut: innen: PsychotherapiePlus: Augmentation von kognitiv-behavioraler Psychotherapie mit präfrontaler Gleichstromstimulation …
J Spies, S Bollmann, S Aust, A Guhn, EM Knies, F Padberg, ...
PTSD in German Armed Forces service members–from diagnostics to therapy
JP Spies
Universität zu Köln, 2020
Does Oxytocin Predict Psychotherapeutic Process? Exploring Biological Markers of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
S Engel, H Niemeyer, A Kuester, J Spies, H Rau, C Knaevelsrud, ...
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