Ru Lin Peng
Ru Lin Peng
Professor i Konstruktionsmaterial, Linköpings universitet
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Microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 718 produced by selective laser melting: Sample orientation dependence and effects of post heat treatments
D Deng, RL Peng, H Brodin, J Moverare
Materials Science and Engineering: A 713, 294-306, 2018
Microstructure and anisotropic mechanical properties of EBM manufactured Inconel 718 and effects of post heat treatments
D Deng, J Moverare, RL Peng, H Söderberg
Materials Science and Engineering: A 693, 151-163, 2017
Revealing relationships between microstructure and hardening nature of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel
L Cui, S Jiang, J Xu, RL Peng, RT Mousavian, J Moverare
Materials & Design 198, 109385, 2021
Micromechanical behavior and texture evolution of duplex stainless steel studied by neutron diffraction and self-consistent modeling
N Jia, RL Peng, YD Wang, S Johansson, PK Liaw
Acta Materialia 56 (4), 782-793, 2008
Textures and mechanical behavior of Mg–3.3% Li alloy after ECAP
T Liu, YD Wang, SD Wu, RL Peng, CX Huang, CB Jiang, SX Li
Scripta Materialia 51 (11), 1057-1061, 2004
Grain-orientation-dependent residual stress and the effect of annealing in cold-rolled stainless steel
YD Wang, RL Peng, XL Wang, RL McGreevy
Acta Materialia 50 (7), 1717-1734, 2002
Strain and texture analysis of coatings using high-energy x-rays
J Almer, U Lienert, RL Peng, C Schlauer, M Odén
Journal of applied physics 94 (1), 697-702, 2003
Residual stress profiling in the ferrite and cementite phases of cold-drawn steel rods by synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction
ML Martinez-Perez, FJ Mompean, J Ruiz-Hervias, CR Borlado, ...
Acta Materialia 52 (18), 5303-5313, 2004
Deformation mechanisms of a 20Mn TWIP steel investigated by in situ neutron diffraction and TEM
YF Shen, YD Wang, XP Liu, X Sun, RL Peng, SY Zhang, L Zuo, PK Liaw
Acta materialia 61 (16), 6093-6106, 2013
Short-term creep behavior of an additive manufactured non-weldable Nickel-base superalloy evaluated by slow strain rate testing
J Xu, H Gruber, D Deng, RL Peng, JJ Moverare
Acta Materialia 179, 142-157, 2019
Micromechanical behavior of multilayered Ti/Nb composites processed by accumulative roll bonding: an in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigation
S Jiang, RL Peng, Z Hegedűs, T Gnäupel-Herold, JJ Moverare, U Lienert, ...
Acta Materialia 205, 116546, 2021
Modeling of microstructural evolution and lifetime prediction of MCrAlY coatings on nickel based superalloys during high temperature oxidation
K Yuan, R Eriksson, RL Peng, XH Li, S Johansson, YD Wang
Surface and coatings technology 232, 204-215, 2013
Effects of tool wear on subsurface deformation of nickel-based superalloy
JM Zhou, V Bushlya, RL Peng, S Johansson, P Avdovic, JE Stahl
Procedia Engineering 19, 407-413, 2011
Some aspects of elemental behaviour in HVOF MCrAlY coatings in high-temperature oxidation
K Yuan, RL Peng, XH Li, S Johansson, YD Wang
Surface and Coatings Technology 261, 86-101, 2015
Interactions between the phase stress and the grain-orientation-dependent stress in duplex stainless steel during deformation
N Jia, RL Peng, YD Wang, GC Chai, S Johansson, G Wang, PK Liaw
Acta materialia 54 (15), 3907-3916, 2006
Localized amorphism after high-strain-rate deformation in TWIP steel
N Li, YD Wang, RL Peng, X Sun, PK Liaw, GL Wu, L Wang, HN Cai
Acta Materialia 59 (16), 6369-6377, 2011
On the strengthening and embrittlement mechanisms of an additively manufactured Nickel-base superalloy
J Xu, H Gruber, R Boyd, S Jiang, RL Peng, JJ Moverare
Materialia 10, 100657, 2020
A study of the influence of novel scan strategies on residual stress and microstructure of L-shaped LPBF IN718 samples
P Pant, F Salvemini, S Proper, V Luzin, K Simonsson, S Sjöström, ...
Materials & design 214, 110386, 2022
Surface integrity of 2304 duplex stainless steel after different grinding operations
N Zhou, RL Peng, R Pettersson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 229, 294-304, 2016
Mapping of residual stresses in as-built Inconel 718 fabricated by laser powder bed fusion: A neutron diffraction study of build orientation influence on residual stresses
P Pant, S Proper, V Luzin, S Sjöström, K Simonsson, J Moverare, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101501, 2020
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