Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Klaus K. HolstLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 10
Role of serotonin transporter changes in depressive responses to sex-steroid hormone manipulation: a positron emission tomography study
VG Frokjaer, A Pinborg, KK Holst, A Overgaard, S Henningsson, M Heede, ...
Biological psychiatry 78 (8), 534-543, 2015
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Amygdala reactivity to fearful faces correlates positively with impulsive aggression
S da Cunha-Bang, PM Fisher, LV Hjordt, K Holst, GM Knudsen
Social neuroscience 14 (2), 162-172, 2019
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Testosterone levels in healthy men correlate negatively with serotonin 4 receptor binding
E Perfalk, S da Cunha-Bang, KK Holst, S Keller, C Svarer, GM Knudsen, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 81, 22-28, 2017
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
The effect of perinatal exposure to ethinyl oestradiol or a mixture of endocrine disrupting pesticides on kisspeptin neurons in the rat hypothalamus
A Overgaard, K Holst, KR Mandrup, J Boberg, S Christiansen, ...
Neurotoxicology 37, 154-162, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Brain serotonin 4 receptor binding is associated with the cortisol awakening response
GR Jakobsen, PM Fisher, A Dyssegaard, B McMahon, KK Holst, S Lehel, ...
Psychoneuroendocrinology 67, 124-132, 2016
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Men with high serotonin 1B receptor binding respond to provocations with heightened amygdala reactivity
S da Cunha-Bang, PM Fisher, LV Hjordt, E Perfalk, V Beliveau, K Holst, ...
Neuroimage 166, 79-85, 2018
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Modeling the cumulative incidence function of multivariate competing risks data allowing for within-cluster dependence of risk and timing
L Cederkvist, KK Holst, KK Andersen, TH Scheike
Biostatistics 20 (2), 199-217, 2019
Krav: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Does Harm Avoidance mediate effects of recollected parental bonding on mental distress in adulthood?
DS Stenbæk, CG Jensen, KK Holst, EL Mortensen, GM Knudsen, ...
Comprehensive psychiatry 55 (4), 1007-1014, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Genetic influence on the associations between IGF-I and glucose metabolism in a cohort of elderly twins
RB Jensen, A Thankamony, KK Holst, JA Janssen, A Juul, D Dunger, ...
European Journal of Endocrinology 178 (2), 153-161, 2018
Krav: UK Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, UK
Incorporation of the time aspect into the liability‐threshold model for case‐control‐family data
L Cederkvist, KK Holst, KK Andersen, DV Glidden, K Frederiksen, ...
Statistics in Medicine 36 (10), 1599-1618, 2017
Krav: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Tillgängliga någonstans: 20
Familial risk and heritability of cancer among twins in Nordic countries
LA Mucci, JB Hjelmborg, JR Harris, K Czene, DJ Havelick, T Scheike, ...
Jama 315 (1), 68-76, 2016
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, Academy of Finland
The heritability of prostate cancer in the Nordic Twin Study of Cancer
JB Hjelmborg, T Scheike, K Holst, A Skytthe, KL Penney, RE Graff, ...
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 23 (11), 2303-2310, 2014
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, Academy of Finland
The heritability of breast cancer among women in the nordic twin study of cancer
S Möller, LA Mucci, JR Harris, T Scheike, K Holst, U Halekoh, HO Adami, ...
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 25 (1), 145-150, 2016
Krav: Academy of Finland, European Commission
The center for integrated molecular brain imaging (Cimbi) database
GM Knudsen, PS Jensen, D Erritzoe, WFC Baaré, A Ettrup, PM Fisher, ...
Neuroimage 124, 1213-1219, 2016
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, National Institute for Health …
Seasonal difference in brain serotonin transporter binding predicts symptom severity in patients with seasonal affective disorder
B Mc Mahon, SB Andersen, MK Madsen, LV Hjordt, I Hageman, H Dam, ...
Brain 139 (5), 1605-1614, 2016
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Linear latent variable models: the lava-package
KK Holst, E Budtz-Jørgensen
Computational Statistics 28, 1385-1452, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Three-week bright-light intervention has dose-related effects on threat-related corticolimbic reactivity and functional coupling
PM Fisher, MK Madsen, B Mc Mahon, KK Holst, SB Andersen, ...
Biological Psychiatry 76 (4), 332-339, 2014
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Lack of association between maternal or neonatal vitamin D status and risk of childhood type 1 diabetes: a Scandinavian case-cohort study
SU Thorsen, K Mårild, SF Olsen, KK Holst, G Tapia, C Granström, ...
American Journal of Epidemiology 187 (6), 1174-1181, 2018
Krav: US National Institutes of Health, Danish National Research Foundation …
Prefrontal serotonin transporter availability is positively associated with the cortisol awakening response
VG Frokjaer, D Erritzoe, KK Holst, PS Jensen, PM Rasmussen, ...
European Neuropsychopharmacology 23 (4), 285-294, 2013
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research
Pharmacologically induced sex hormone fluctuation effects on resting-state functional connectivity in a risk model for depression: a randomized trial
PMD Fisher, CB Larsen, V Beliveau, S Henningsson, A Pinborg, KK Holst, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 42 (2), 446-453, 2017
Krav: Danish Council for Independent Research, Vetenskapsrådet
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