Mehdi Chlif
Mehdi Chlif
Associate professor at Higher Institute of the Sport and the physical education of Sfax
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Effects of obesity on breathing pattern, ventilatory neural drive and mechanics
M Chlif, D Keochkerian, D Choquet, A Vaidie, S Ahmaidi
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 168 (3), 198-202, 2009
Noninvasive assessment of the tension–time index of inspiratory muscles at rest in obese male subjects
M Chlif, D Keochkerian, C Mourlhon, D Choquet, S Ahmaidi
International journal of obesity 29 (12), 1478-1483, 2005
Inspiratory muscle activity during incremental exercise in obese men
M Chlif, D Keochkerian, Y Feki, A Vaidie, D Choquet, S Ahmaidi
International journal of obesity 31 (9), 1456-1463, 2007
Effect of aerobic exercise training on ventilatory efficiency and respiratory drive in obese subjects
M Chlif, A Chaouachi, S Ahmaidi
Respiratory care 62 (7), 936-946, 2017
Timing and driving components of the breathing strategy in children with cystic fibrosis during exercise
D Keochkerian, M Chlif, S Delanaud, R Gauthier, Y Maingourd, S Ahmaidi
Pediatric pulmonology 40 (5), 449-456, 2005
Breathing pattern adopted by children with cystic fibrosis with mild to moderate pulmonary impairment during exercise
D Keochkerian, M Chlif, S Delanaud, R Gauthier, Y Maingourd, S Ahmaidi
Respiration 75 (2), 170-177, 2008
Is there a beneficial effect difference between age, gender, and different cardiac pathology groups of exercise training at ventilatory threshold in cardiac patients?
A Temfemo, M Chlif, SH Mandengue, T Lelard, D Choquet, S Ahmaidi
Cardiology journal 18 (6), 632-638, 2011
Advanced mechanical ventilatory constraints during incremental exercise in class III obese male subjects
M Chlif, A Temfemo, D Keochkerian, D Choquet, A Chaouachi, S Ahmaidi
Respiratory care 60 (4), 549-560, 2015
Feasibility and reliability of a repeated sprint test in children age 6 to 8 years
A Temfemo, T Lelard, C Carling, SH Mandengue, M Chlif, S Ahmaidi
Pediatric Exercise Science 23 (4), 549-559, 2011
One night of total sleep deprivation impairs decision-making skills, anaerobic performances, mood states, and perceptual responses in elite Kung-Fu athletes
A Saddoud, G Rekik, Y Belkhir, N Kammoun, S Hidouri, M Chlif, M Jarraya
Biological Rhythm Research 54 (1), 102-116, 2023
SA Mehdi Chlif, David Keochkerian, Abdou Temfemo, Dominique Choquet
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 2016
Impact of urinary incontinence on physical function and respiratory muscle strength in incontinent women: a comparative study between urinary incontinent and apparently healthy …
S Abidi, A Ghram, S Ghroubi, S Ahmaidi, MH Elleuch, O Girard, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11 (24), 7344, 2022
Association between isokinetic abdominal muscle strength, pelvic floor muscle strength and stress urinary incontinence severity
S Ghroubi, O Jelassi, S Abidi, E Trabelsi, HB Ayed, M Chlif, MH Elleuch
Progrès en Urologie 32 (11), 727-734, 2022
Un aperçu des facteurs de risque du cancer du sein
N Frikha, M Chlif
Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine 205 (5), 519-527, 2021
Mechanism of dyspnea during exercise in children with corrected congenital heart disease
M Chlif, MM Ammar, NB Said, L Sergey, S Ahmaidi, F Alassery, H Hamam
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (1), 99, 2021
Effects of walking football during Ramadan fasting on heart rate variability and physical fitness in healthy middle-aged males
N Kammoun, S Hidouri, A Ghram, A Ammar, L Masmoudi, T Driss, ...
American journal of men's health 16 (3), 15579883221103418, 2022
Suivi physique et physiologique de footballeurs semi-professionnels: vers un entraînement individualisé par poste
M Chlif, H Jullien, A Temfemo, A Mezouk, C Manouvrier, D Choquet
Science & sports 25 (3), 132-138, 2010
Effect of six-minute walk test and incremental exercise on inspiratory capacity, ventilatory constraints, breathlessness and exercise performance in sedentary male smokers …
W Melliti, R Kammoun, D Masmoudi, S Ahmaidi, K Masmoudi, F Alassery, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (23), 12665, 2021
An overview of the risk factors for breast cancer.
N Frikha, M Chlif
Physical and physiological profile of semi-professional soccer player: Toward an individualization training in specifically field position
M Chlif, H Jullien, A Temfemo, A Mezouk, C Manouvrier, D Choquet
Science & Sports 25 (3), 132-138, 2010
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