The construct of adaptive behavior: Its conceptualization, measurement, and use in the field of intellectual disability MJ Tassé, RL Schalock, G Balboni, H Bersani Jr, SA Borthwick-Duffy, ... American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities 117 (4), 291-303, 2012 | 467 | 2012 |
Cross‐cultural study of person‐centred quality of life domains and indicators: a replication C Jenaro, MA Verdugo, C Caballo, G Balboni, Y Lachapelle, W Otrebski, ... Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 49 (10), 734-739, 2005 | 265 | 2005 |
Attitudes of Italian teachers and parents toward school inclusion of students with mental retardation: The role of experience G Balboni, L Pedrabissi Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities …, 2000 | 220 | 2000 |
Vineland-II: Vineland adaptive behavior scales-II-: survey forms:[starter kit]. SS Sparrow, DV Cicchetti, DA Balla, G Balboni | 199 | 2017 |
The assessment of the quality of life of adults with intellectual disability: The use of self-report and report of others assessment strategies G Balboni, A Coscarelli, G Giunti, RL Schalock Research in developmental disabilities 34 (11), 4248-4254, 2013 | 141 | 2013 |
How have youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder managed quarantine derived from COVID-19 pandemic? An approach to families perspectives C Mumbardó-Adam, S Barnet-López, G Balboni Research in developmental disabilities 110, 103860, 2021 | 112 | 2021 |
Behavioral phenotype of ASD preschoolers with gastrointestinal symptoms or food selectivity M Prosperi, E Santocchi, G Balboni, A Narzisi, M Bozza, F Fulceri, ... Journal of autism and developmental disorders 47, 3574-3588, 2017 | 93 | 2017 |
Application of the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised–Italian version–in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder F Fulceri, A Narzisi, F Apicella, G Balboni, S Baldini, J Brocchini, ... Research in developmental disabilities 48, 43-52, 2016 | 74 | 2016 |
Discriminant validity of the Vineland scales: Score profiles of individuals with mental retardation and a specific disorder G Balboni, L Pedrabissi, M Molteni, S Villa American Journal on Mental Retardation 106 (2), 162-172, 2001 | 74 | 2001 |
Diagnostic adaptive behavior scale MJ Tassé, RL Schalock, D Thissen, G Balboni, H Bersani Jr, ... American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2017 | 71 | 2017 |
Developing behavioural indicators for intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour for ICD‐11 disorders of intellectual development MJ Tassé, G Balboni, P Navas, R Luckasson, MA Nygren, C Belacchi, ... Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 63 (5), 386-407, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
Development and standardization of the diagnostic adaptive behavior scale: Application of item response theory to the assessment of adaptive behavior MJ Tassé, RL Schalock, D Thissen, G Balboni, H Bersani Jr, ... American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 121 (2), 79-94, 2016 | 62 | 2016 |
Vineland II G Balboni, C Belacchi, S Bonichini, A Coscarelli Vineland adaptive behavior scales, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
Concurrent and predictive validity of the raven progressive matrices and the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test G Balboni, JA Naglieri, R Cubelli Journal of psychoeducational assessment 28 (3), 222-235, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
The Vineland-II in preschool children with autism spectrum disorders: An item content category analysis G Balboni, A Tasso, F Muratori, R Cubelli Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 42-52, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
The diagnostic adaptive behavior scale: Evaluating its diagnostic sensitivity and specificity G Balboni, MJ Tassé, RL Schalock, SA Borthwick-Duffy, S Spreat, ... Research in developmental disabilities 35 (11), 2884-2893, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |
Influence of adaptive behaviour on the quality of life of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities G Balboni, C Mumbardó‐Adam, A Coscarelli Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 33 (3), 584-594, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
The psychopathology inventory for mentally retarded adults: factor structure and comparisons between subjects with or without dual diagnosis G Balboni, G Battagliese, L Pedrabissi Research in Developmental Disabilities 21 (4), 311-321, 2000 | 47 | 2000 |
Attitudes of mainstream and special-education teachers toward intellectual disability in Italy: the relevance of being teachers L Arcangeli, A Bacherini, C Gaggioli, M Sannipoli, G Balboni International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (19), 7325, 2020 | 45 | 2020 |
Environmental factors and teenagers’ personalities: The role of personal and familial Socio-Cultural Level E Menardo, G Balboni, R Cubelli Behavioural brain research 325, 181-187, 2017 | 44 | 2017 |