Chris Pavey
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The ecological effects of providing resource subsidies to predators
TM Newsome, JA Dellinger, CR Pavey, WJ Ripple, CR Shores, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 24 (1), 1-11, 2015
The influence of size differntial on agonistic behaviour in the freshwater crayfish, Cherax cuspidatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae)
CR Pavey, DR Fielder
Journal of Zoology 238 (3), 445-457, 1996
Population dynamics and prey selection of native and introduced predators during a rodent outbreak in arid Australia
CR Pavey, SR Eldridge, M Heywood
Journal of Mammalogy 89 (3), 674-683, 2008
Effects of avian mobbing on roost use and diet of powerful owls, Ninox strenua
Animal Behaviour 55 (2), 313-318, 1998
Was basking important in the evolution of mammalian endothermy?
F Geiser, N Goodship, CR Pavey
Naturwissenschaften 89, 412-414, 2002
Passive rewarming from torpor in mammals and birds: energetic, ecological and evolutionary implications
F Geiser, RL Drury, G Körtner, C Turbill, CR Pavey, RM Brigham
Life in the cold: evolution, mechanisms, adaptation, and application 27, 51-62, 2004
Temporal patterns of bats in the Top End of the Northern Territory, Australia
DJ Milne, A Fisher, I Rainey, CR Pavey
Journal of Mammalogy 86, 909-920, 2005
Bird assemblages of arid Australia: Vegetation patterns have a greater effect than disturbance and resource pulses
CR Pavey, CEM Nano
Journal of Arid Environments 73 (6-7), 634-642, 2009
The role of refuges in the persistence of A ustralian dryland mammals
CR Pavey, J Addison, R Brandle, CR Dickman, PJ McDonald, KE Moseby, ...
Biological Reviews 92 (2), 647-664, 2017
Thermal biology, torpor, and activity in free-living mulgaras in arid zone Australia during the winter reproductive season
G Körtner, CR Pavey, F Geiser
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 81 (4), 442-451, 2008
Changes in richness and abundance of rodents and native predators in response to extreme rainfall in arid A ustralia
CR Pavey, CEM Nano
Austral Ecology 38 (7), 777-785, 2013
Lost from our landscape: threatened species of the Northern Territory
JCZ Woinarski
Department of Natural Resources, Environment & the Arts, 2007
Population dynamics and spatial ecology of a declining desert rodent, Pseudomys australis: the importance of refuges for persistence
CR Pavey, JR Cole, PJ McDonald, CEM Nano
Journal of Mammalogy 95 (3), 615-625, 2014
Behavioral biology of Toxoplasma gondii infection
WH Tong, C Pavey, R O’Handley, A Vyas
Parasites & Vectors 14, 1-6, 2021
A comparison of three survey methods for collecting bat echolocation calls and species-accumulation rates from nightly Anabat recordings
DJ Milne, M Armstrong, A Fisher, T Flores, CR Pavey
Wildlife Research 31 (1), 57-63, 2004
Refining the ‘pulse‐reserve’model for arid central A ustralia: Seasonal rainfall, soil moisture and plant productivity in sand ridge and stony plain habitats of the S impson D …
CEM Nano, CR Pavey
Austral Ecology 38 (7), 741-753, 2013
Climate change adaptation strategies for Australian birds
S Garnett, D Franklin, G Ehmke
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, 2013
Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation
AE Reside, NJ Briscoe, CR Dickman, AC Greenville, BA Hradsky, S Kark, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 28 (6), 1303-1330, 2019
Basking and torpor in a rock-dwelling desert marsupial: survival strategies in a resource-poor environment
F Geiser, CR Pavey
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 177, 885-892, 2007
Bat predation on eared moths: a test of the allotonic frequency hypothesis
CR Pavey, CJ Burwell
Oikos, 143-151, 1998
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