Kathleen MacGregor
Kathleen MacGregor
Andra namnKathleen A. MacGregor
Verifierad e-postadress på dfo-mpo.gc.ca - Startsida
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Kelp in the Eastern Canadian Arctic: Current and future predictions of habitat suitability and cover
J Goldsmit, RW Schlegel, K Filbee-Dexter, KA MacGregor, LE Johnson, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 18, 742209, 2021
Sea ice and substratum shape extensive kelp forests in the Canadian Arctic
K Filbee-Dexter, KA MacGregor, C Lavoie, I Garrido, J Goldsmit, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 754074, 2022
Arctic marine forest distribution models showcase potentially severe habitat losses for cryophilic species under climate change
TT Bringloe, DP Wilkinson, J Goldsmit, AM Savoie, K Filbee‐Dexter, ...
Global Change Biology 28 (11), 3711-3727, 2022
Increasing depth distribution of Arctic kelp with increasing number of open water days with light
L Castro de la Guardia, K Filbee-Dexter, J Reimer, KA MacGregor, ...
Elem Sci Anth 11 (1), 00051, 2023
The management utility of large-scale environmental drivers of bat mortality at wind energy facilities: The effects of facility size, elevation and geographic location
KA MacGregor, J Lemaître
Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00871, 2020
Subtidal rocky shores of the north-west Atlantic Ocean
LE Johnson, KA MacGregor, CA Narvaez, TS Suskiewicz, SJ Hawkins, ...
Interactions in the Marine Benthos: Global patterns and processes, 90-127, 2019
Bat mortality caused by wind turbines: review of impacts and mitigation measures
J Lemaître, K MacGregor, N Tessier, A Simard, J Desmeules, C Poussart, ...
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, Québec City, 2017
Movement of American lobsters Homarus americanus and rock crabs Cancer irroratus around mussel farms in Malpeque Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada
KJ Lees, MF Lavoie, KA Macgregor, É Simard, A Drouin, LA Comeau, ...
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 15, 179-193, 2023
Lab and field evaluation of tagging methods for the use of acoustic telemetry to observe sea urchin movement behaviour at ecologically relevant spatio-temporal scales
KA MacGregor, MF Lavoie, SMC Robinson, É Simard, CW McKindsey
Animal Biotelemetry 11 (1), 3, 2023
Individual-and population-level responses to the environment: environmental modification of movement behaviour in the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
KA MacGregor
A blueprint for national assessments of the blue carbon capacity of kelp forests applied to Canada’s coastline
J McHenry, DK Okamoto, K Filbee-Dexter, K Krumhansl, KA MacGregor, ...
BioRxiv, 2024.04. 05.586816, 2024
Response to drift kelp is modified by both substratum and season: green sea urchin foraging behaviour in subsidized habitats
KA MacGregor, LE Johnson
Marine Ecology Progress Series 710, 85-105, 2023
Seascapes and foraging success: Movement and resource discovery by a benthic marine herbivore
KA MacGregor, LE Johnson
Ecology and Evolution 12 (9), e9243, 2022
Daily and seasonal spatial behaviour of waved whelk Buccinum undatum: implications for fishery management and restoration
T Uboldi, KA MacGregor, MF Lavoie, CW McKindsey, Y Gendreau, ...
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2025
An evaluation of acoustic telemetry as a method to study the movements of Asteroidea (Asterias rubens)
JB Nadalini, KJ Lees, MF Lavoie, KA MacGregor, CW McKindsey
Animal Biotelemetry 12 (1), 8, 2024
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