Large-scale network dysfunction in major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of resting-state functional connectivity RH Kaiser, JR Andrews-Hanna, TD Wager, DA Pizzagalli JAMA psychiatry 72 (6), 603-611, 2015 | 2135 | 2015 |
Depression: perspectives from affective neuroscience RJ Davidson, D Pizzagalli, JB Nitschke, K Putnam Annual review of psychology 53 (1), 545-574, 2002 | 1859 | 2002 |
Effects of early life stress on cognitive and affective function: an integrated review of human literature P Pechtel, DA Pizzagalli Psychopharmacology 214, 55-70, 2011 | 1807 | 2011 |
Reduced caudate and nucleus accumbens response to rewards in unmedicated individuals with major depressive disorder DA Pizzagalli, AJ Holmes, DG Dillon, EL Goetz, JL Birk, R Bogdan, ... American Journal of Psychiatry 166 (6), 702-710, 2009 | 1380 | 2009 |
Depression, stress, and anhedonia: toward a synthesis and integrated model DA Pizzagalli Annual review of clinical psychology 10 (1), 393-423, 2014 | 1263 | 2014 |
Frontocingulate dysfunction in depression: toward biomarkers of treatment response DA Pizzagalli Neuropsychopharmacology 36 (1), 183-206, 2011 | 1057 | 2011 |
Reduced hedonic capacity in major depressive disorder: evidence from a probabilistic reward task DA Pizzagalli, D Iosifescu, LA Hallett, KG Ratner, M Fava Journal of psychiatric research 43 (1), 76-87, 2008 | 943 | 2008 |
Toward an objective characterization of an anhedonic phenotype: a signal-detection approach DA Pizzagalli, AL Jahn, JP O’Shea Biological psychiatry 57 (4), 319-327, 2005 | 878 | 2005 |
Reward processing dysfunction in major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia AE Whitton, MT Treadway, DA Pizzagalli Current opinion in psychiatry 28 (1), 7-12, 2015 | 821 | 2015 |
Anterior cingulate activity as a predictor of degree of treatment response in major depression: evidence from brain electrical tomography analysis D Pizzagalli, RD Pascual-Marqui, JB Nitschke, TR Oakes, CL Larson, ... American Journal of Psychiatry 158 (3), 405-415, 2001 | 812 | 2001 |
Anxiety selectively disrupts visuospatial working memory. AJ Shackman, I Sarinopoulos, JS Maxwell, DA Pizzagalli, A Lavric, ... Emotion 6 (1), 40, 2006 | 570 | 2006 |
Assessing anhedonia in depression: Potentials and pitfalls SJ Rizvi, DA Pizzagalli, BA Sproule, SH Kennedy Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 65, 21-35, 2016 | 567 | 2016 |
Functional but not structural subgenual prefrontal cortex abnormalities in melancholia DA Pizzagalli, TR Oakes, AS Fox, MK Chung, CL Larson, ... Molecular psychiatry 9 (4), 393-405, 2004 | 512 | 2004 |
The impact of stress and major depressive disorder on hippocampal and medial prefrontal cortex morphology EL Belleau, MT Treadway, DA Pizzagalli Biological psychiatry 85 (6), 443-453, 2019 | 483 | 2019 |
Brain reactivity to smoking cues prior to smoking cessation predicts ability to maintain tobacco abstinence AC Janes, DA Pizzagalli, S Richardt, BB Frederick, S Chuzi, G Pachas, ... Biological psychiatry 67 (8), 722-729, 2010 | 483 | 2010 |
Reduced reward learning predicts outcome in major depressive disorder E Vrieze, DA Pizzagalli, K Demyttenaere, T Hompes, P Sienaert, ... Biological psychiatry 73 (7), 639-645, 2013 | 482 | 2013 |
The role of the nucleus accumbens and rostral anterior cingulate cortex in anhedonia: integration of resting EEG, fMRI, and volumetric techniques J Wacker, DG Dillon, DA Pizzagalli Neuroimage 46 (1), 327-337, 2009 | 472 | 2009 |
Childhood adversity is associated with left basal ganglia dysfunction during reward anticipation in adulthood DG Dillon, AJ Holmes, JL Birk, N Brooks, K Lyons-Ruth, DA Pizzagalli Biological psychiatry 66 (3), 206-213, 2009 | 459 | 2009 |
Acute stress reduces reward responsiveness: implications for depression R Bogdan, DA Pizzagalli Biological psychiatry 60 (10), 1147-1154, 2006 | 456 | 2006 |
Frontal brain asymmetry and reward responsiveness: a source-localization study DA Pizzagalli, RJ Sherwood, JB Henriques, RJ Davidson Psychological science 16 (10), 805-813, 2005 | 450 | 2005 |