Jos Hornikx
Jos Hornikx
Professor of International Business Communication (Radboud U)
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Overtuigende teksten. Onderzoek en ontwerp
H Hoeken, JMA Hornikx, LGMM Hustinx
Bussum: Coutinho, 2009
English or a local language in advertising? The appreciation of easy and difficult English slogans in the Netherlands
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs, A de Boer
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 47 (2), 169-188, 2010
Adapting consumer advertising appeals to cultural values: A meta-analytic review of effects on persuasiveness and ad liking
CS Beck
Communication yearbook 33, 59-92, 2009
A review of experimental research on the relative persuasiveness of anecdotal, statistical, causal, and expert evidence
JMA Hornikx
The effectiveness of foreign-language display in advertising for congruent versus incongruent products
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs, RJ Hof
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 25 (3), 152-165, 2013
Occupational safety in multicultural teams and organizations: A research agenda
A Starren, J Hornikx, K Luijters
Safety science 52, 43-49, 2013
An empirical study of readers' associations with multilingual advertising: The case of French, German and Spanish in Dutch advertising
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs, M Starren
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 28 (3), 204-219, 2007
Cultural differences in the persuasiveness of evidence types and evidence quality
J Hornikx, H Hoeken
Communication Monographs 74 (4), 443-463, 2007
A normative framework for argument quality: Argumentation schemes with a Bayesian foundation
U Hahn, J Hornikx
Synthese 193, 1833-1873, 2016
The influence of high-/low-context culture on perceived ad complexity and liking
J Hornikx, R le Pair
Journal of Global Marketing 30 (4), 228-237, 2017
Reasoning and argumentation: Towards an integrated psychology of argumentation
J Hornikx, U Hahn
Thinking & Reasoning 18 (3), 225-243, 2012
Foreign languages in advertising as implicit country-of-origin cues: Mechanism, associations, and effectiveness
J Hornikx, F van Meurs
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 29 (2), 60-73, 2017
The relationship between the appreciation and the comprehension of French in Dutch advertisements
JMA Hornikx, MBP Starren
Attikon Verlag, 2006
Foreign languages in advertising
J Hornikx, F Van Meurs
Springer International Publishing, 2020
How brands highlight country of origin in magazine advertising: A content analysis
J Hornikx, F van Meurs, J van den Heuvel, A Janssen
Journal of Global Marketing 33 (1), 34-45, 2020
De effectiviteit van vreemde talen in productreclame: moet het product passen bij de taal?
JMA Hornikx, RJ Hof
Consumer tweets about brands: A content analysis of sentiment tweets about goods and services
J Hornikx, B Hendriks
Journal of Creative Communications 10 (2), 176-185, 2015
Comparing the actual and expected persuasiveness of evidence types: How good are lay people at selecting persuasive evidence?
J Hornikx
Argumentation 22 (4), 555-569, 2008
Combining anecdotal and statistical evidence in real-life discourse: Comprehension and persuasiveness
J Hornikx
Discourse Processes 55 (3), 324-336, 2018
Epistemic authority of professors and researchers: Differential perceptions by students from two cultural-educational systems
J Hornikx
Social psychology of education 14, 169-183, 2011
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