Mark Roberts
Mark Roberts
Professor and Chair, Health Policy and Management, University of Pittsburgh
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What does the value of modern medicine say about the $50,000 per quality-adjusted life-year decision rule?
RS Braithwaite, DO Meltzer, JT King Jr, D Leslie, MS Roberts
Medical care 46 (4), 349-356, 2008
Changing dynamics of the drug overdose epidemic in the United States from 1979 through 2016
H Jalal, JM Buchanich, MS Roberts, LC Balmert, K Zhang, DS Burke
Science 361 (6408), eaau1184, 2018
Conceptualizing a model: a report of the ISPOR-SMDM modeling good research practices task force–2
M Roberts, LB Russell, AD Paltiel, M Chambers, P McEwan, M Krahn
Medical Decision Making 32 (5), 678-689, 2012
Individualized treatment for alcohol withdrawal: a randomized double-blind controlled trial
R Saitz, MF Mayo-Smith, MS Roberts, HA Redmond, DR Bernard, ...
Jama 272 (7), 519-523, 1994
Inquiry about victimization experiences: a survey of patient preferences and physician practices
LS Friedman, JH Samet, MS Roberts, M Hudlin, P Hans
Archives of internal medicine 152 (6), 1186-1190, 1992
Survival after liver transplantation in the United States: a disease‐specific analysis of the UNOS database
MS Roberts, DC Angus, CL Bryce, Z Valenta, L Weissfeld
Liver transplantation 10 (7), 886-897, 2004
Cost-effectiveness and budget impact of hepatitis C virus treatment with sofosbuvir and ledipasvir in the United States
J Chhatwal, F Kanwal, MS Roberts, MA Dunn
Annals of internal medicine 162 (6), 397-406, 2015
Risk factors for invasive fungal infections complicating orthotopic liver transplantation
LA Collins, MH Samore, MS Roberts, R Luzzati, RL Jenkins, ...
Journal of Infectious Diseases 170 (3), 644-652, 1994
Markov decision processes: a tool for sequential decision making under uncertainty
O Alagoz, H Hsu, AJ Schaefer, MS Roberts
Medical Decision Making 30 (4), 474-483, 2010
Spectral analysis of heart rate in diabetic autonomic neuropathy: a comparison with standard tests of autonomic function
R Freeman, JP Saul, MS Roberts, RD Berger, C Broadbridge, RJ Cohen
Archives of Neurology 48 (2), 185-190, 1991
The optimal timing of living-donor liver transplantation
O Alagoz, LM Maillart, AJ Schaefer, MS Roberts
Management Science 50 (10), 1420-1430, 2004
Willingness to pay for a quality-adjusted life year: implications for societal health care resource allocation
JT King Jr, J Tsevat, JR Lave, MS Roberts
Medical Decision Making 25 (6), 667-677, 2005
Modeling medical treatment using Markov decision processes
AJ Schaefer, MD Bailey, SM Shechter, MS Roberts
Operations research and health care: A handbook of methods and applications …, 2004
Short-term mortality in acute pulmonary embolism: clot burden and signs of right heart dysfunction at CT pulmonary angiography
A Furlan, A Aghayev, CCH Chang, A Patil, KN Jeon, B Park, DT Fetzer, ...
Radiology 265 (1), 283-293, 2012
Impact of timing of initiation of dialysis on mortality
S Beddhu, MH Samore, MS Roberts, GJ Stoddard, N Ramkumar, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 14 (9), 2305-2312, 2003
The optimal time to initiate HIV therapy under ordered health states
SM Shechter, MD Bailey, AJ Schaefer, MS Roberts
Operations Research 56 (1), 20-33, 2008
Prevention of hepatitis C by screening and treatment in US prisons
T He, K Li, MS Roberts, AC Spaulding, T Ayer, JJ Grefenstette, J Chhatwal
Annals of internal medicine 164 (2), 84-92, 2016
Towards a combined prognostic index for survival in HIV infection: the role of ‘non‐HIV’biomarkers
AC Justice, KA McGinnis, M Skanderson, CC Chang, CL Gibert, MB Goetz, ...
HIV medicine 11 (2), 143-151, 2010
Determining the acceptance of cadaveric livers using an implicit model of the waiting list
O Alagoz, LM Maillart, AJ Schaefer, MS Roberts
Operations Research 55 (1), 24-36, 2007
Brief Intervention for Medical Inpatients with Unhealthy Alcohol Use: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
R Saitz, TP Palfai, DM Cheng, NJ Horton, N Freedner, K Dukes, ...
Annals of internal medicine 146 (3), 167-176, 2007
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