Jonathan C. Briones, PhD
Jonathan C. Briones, PhD
Verifierad e-postadress på ap.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
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Salud ocupacional y teletrabajo
M Gareca, R Verdugo, JL Briones, A Vera
Cienc Trab 9 (25), 85, 2007
Desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa y estado de ma-lestar mental en trabajadores de servicios de salud en Chile
C Canepa, J Briones, C Pérez, A Vera, A Juárez
Cien Trab 10 (30), 157-60, 2008
Long-Term Changes in the Diet of Gymnogobius isaza from Lake Biwa, Japan: Effects of Body Size and Environmental Prey Availability
JC Briones, CH Tsai, T Nakazawa, Y Sakai, RDS Papa, C Hsieh, N Okuda
PLoS One 7 (12), e53167, 2012
A design and optimization of a high throughput valve based microfluidic device for single cell compartmentalization and analysis
J Briones, W Espulgar, S Koyama, H Takamatsu, E Tamiya, M Saito
Scientific Reports 11 (12995), 2021
Nutrient loadings and deforestation decrease benthic macroinvertebrate diversity in an urbanised tropical stream system
EM Peralta, LS Batucan Jr, IBB De Jesus, EMC Triño, Y Uehara, T Ishida, ...
Limnologica 80, 125744, 2020
Small Maar lakes of Luzon Island, Philippines: their limnological status and implications on the management of tropical lakes–a review.
MU Mendoza, JCA Briones, M Itoh, KSAR Padilla, JI Aguilar, N Okuda, ...
Philippine Journal of Science 148 (3), 2019
A Microfluidic Platform for Single Cell Fluorometric Granzyme B Profiling
JC Briones, WV Espulgar, S Koyama, H Yoshikawa, JH Park, Y Naito, ...
Theranostics 10 (1), 123-132, 2020
Fish diversity and trophic interactions in Lake Sampaloc (Luzon Is., Philippines).
JCA Briones, RDS Papa, GA Cauyan, N Mendoza, N Okuda
Climate and human-induced changes to lake ecosystems: what we can learn from monitoring zooplankton ecology
RD Papa, JC Briones
Journal of Environmental Science and Management 17 (1), 2014
Magnetic-field-enhanced Morphology of Tin oxide Nanomaterials for Gas Sensing Applications
JC Briones, G Castillon, MP Delmo, GNC Santos
Journal of Nanomaterials 2017, 2017
Research note. the first report of three acanthocephalan parasite species isolated from Philippine fishes
JCA Briones, RDS Papa, GA Cauyan, M Urabe
Helminthologia 52 (4), 384, 2015
Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Reveal the Importance of a Recently Established Freshwater Protected Area in a Tropical Watershed1
EM Peralta, AE Belen, GR Buenaventura, FGG Cantre, KGR Espiritu, ...
Pacific Science 73 (3), 305-320, 2019
Food habits and distribution of the Lake Taal sea snake (Hydrophis semperi Garman 1881) and the sympatric Little File Snake (Acrochordus granulatus Schneider 1799) in Lake Taal …
VOS Garcia, RDS Papa, JCA Briones, N Mendoza, N Okuda, AC Diesmos
Asian Herpetological Research 5 (4), 255-262, 2014
The future of microfluidics in immune checkpoint blockade
J Briones, W Espulgar, S Koyama, H Takamatsu, E Tamiya, M Saito
Cancer Gene Therapy 28 (9), 895-910, 2021
Initial assessment of parasite load in Clarias batrachus, Glossogobius giuris and Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Taal (Philippines)
G Cauyan, JC Briones, E De Leon, JA Gonong, EO Pasumbal, MC Pelayo, ...
Philippine Science Letters 6 (1), 21-28, 2013
The history of freshwater research in the Philippines with notes on its origins in the University of Santo Tomas and present-day contributions
RDS Papa, JCA Briones
Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 11 (1), 16-28, 2017
Invasiveness risk assessment of non-native freshwater fish species (Order: Siluriformes) for Lake Taal, Philippines
DAL To, GML Gomez, DRY Ramos, CDV Palillo, NKC Go, AS Gilles Jr, ...
Philipp. J. Sci 151, 833-841, 2022
Dietary habits and distribution of some fish species in the Pansipit River-Lake Taal Connection, Luzon Island, Philippines
M Mendoza, K Legaspi, M Acojido, A Cabais, JL de Guzman, A Favila, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Management 18 (2), 2015
Linking antigen specific T-cell dynamics in a microfluidic chip to single cell transcription patterns
ET Hiroki Ide, Taiki Aoshi, Masato Saito, Wilfred Villariza Espulgar ...
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2023
Interferencia trabajo-familia y presentismo laboral: Una comparación entre trabajadores del sector productivo y del sector servicio
A Vera, M Hirmas, C Carrasco, J Vanegas, C Canepa, J Briones, J García
Memorias sobre Foro de las Américas en Investigación sobre factores …, 2008
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