Peter van Rijn
Peter van Rijn
ETS Global
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The shortened raven standard progressive matrices: item response theory–based psychometric analyses and normative data
W Van der Elst, C Ouwehand, P van Rijn, N Lee, M Van Boxtel, J Jolles
Assessment 20 (1), 48-59, 2013
Modeling basic writing processes from keystroke logs
H Guo, PD Deane, PW van Rijn, M Zhang, RE Bennett
Journal of Educational Measurement 55 (2), 194-216, 2018
From cognitive-domain theory to assessment practice
RE Bennett, P Deane, PW van Rijn
Educational Psychologist 51 (1), 82-107, 2016
Are There Gender Differences in How Students Write Their Essays? An Analysis of Writing Processes
M Zhang, RE Bennett, P Deane, PW van Rijn
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 38 (2), 14-26, 2019
Evaluation of selection procedures for computerized adaptive testing with polytomous items
PW van Rijn, TJHM Eggen, BT Hemker, PF Sanders
Applied Psychological Measurement 26 (4), 393-411, 2002
Assessment of fit of item response theory models used in large-scale educational survey assessments
PW van Rijn, S Sinharay, SJ Haberman, MS Johnson
Large-scale Assessments in Education 4 (1), 10, 2016
Empirical recovery of argumentation learning progressions in scenario-based assessments of English language arts
PW Van Rijn, EA Graf, P Deane
Psicología Educativa 20 (2), 109-115, 2014
A comparison of item response models for accuracy and speed of item responses with applications to adaptive testing
PW van Rijn, US Ali
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 70 (2), 317-345, 2017
The case for scenario-based assessment of written argumentation
P Deane, Y Song, P Van Rijn, T O’Reilly, M Fowles, R Bennett, J Sabatini, ...
Reading and Writing 32, 1575-1606, 2019
Using argumentation learning progressions to support teaching and assessments of English language arts
Y Song, P Deane, EA Graf, P van Rijn
R&D Connections 22, 1-14, 2013
Learning progressions as a guide for design: Recommendations based on observations from a mathematics assessment
EA Graf, PW van Rijn
Handbook of test development, 165-189, 2016
A generalized speed–accuracy response model for dichotomous items
PW van Rijn, US Ali
Psychometrika, 1-23, 2017
A validation framework for science learning progression research
H Jin, P van Rijn, JC Moore, MI Bauer, Y Pressler, N Yestness
International Journal of Science Education 41 (10), 1324-1346, 2019
The sensitivity of a scenario-based assessment of written argumentation to school differences in curriculum and instruction
P Deane, J Wilson, M Zhang, C Li, P van Rijn, H Guo, A Roth, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 31, 57-98, 2021
Scenario-Based Assessments in Writing: An Experimental Study
M Zhang, PW van Rijn, P Deane, RE Bennett
Educational Assessment, 2019
Categorical time series in psychological measurement
PW Van Rijn
University of Amsterdam, 2008
IRT and MIRT models for item parameter estimation with multidimensional multistage tests
PA Jewsbury, PW van Rijn
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 45 (4), 383-402, 2020
An evaluation of different statistical targets for assembling parallel forms in item response theory
US Ali, PW van Rijn
Applied psychological measurement 40 (3), 163-179, 2016
How do proficient and less proficient students differ in their composition processes?
RE Bennett, M Zhang, P Deane, PW van Rijn
Educational Assessment 25 (3), 198-217, 2020
Technology enhanced assessments in mathematics and beyond: Strengths, challenges, and future directions
GA Cayton-Hodges, E Marquez, M Keehner, C Laitusis, P van Rijn, ...
ETS Invitational Research Symposium on Technology Enhanced Assessments …, 2012
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