Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Dongye ZhaoLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 82
Application of iron sulfide particles for groundwater and soil remediation: A review
Y Gong, J Tang, D Zhao
Water research 89, 309-320, 2016
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Stabilisation of nanoscale zero-valent iron with biochar for enhanced transport and in-situ remediation of hexavalent chromium in soil
H Su, Z Fang, PE Tsang, J Fang, D Zhao
Environmental Pollution 214, 94-100, 2016
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
2D/1D graphitic carbon nitride/titanate nanotubes heterostructure for efficient photocatalysis of sulfamethazine under solar light: Catalytic “hot spots” at the rutile–anatase …
H Ji, P Du, D Zhao, S Li, F Sun, EC Duin, W Liu
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 263, 118357, 2020
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Adsorption of U (VI) by multilayer titanate nanotubes: effects of inorganic cations, carbonate and natural organic matter
W Liu, X Zhao, T Wang, D Zhao, J Ni
Chemical Engineering Journal 286, 427-435, 2016
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Treatment of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in landfill leachate: status, chemistry and prospects
Z Wei, T Xu, D Zhao
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 5 (11), 1814-1835, 2019
Krav: US Department of Defense
Biomass waste components significantly influence the removal of Cr (VI) using magnetic biochar derived from four types of feedstocks and steel pickling waste liquor
Y Yi, G Tu, D Zhao, PE Tsang, Z Fang
Chemical Engineering Journal 360, 212-220, 2019
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Higher concentrations of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) in soil induced rice chlorosis due to inhibited active iron transportation
J Wang, Z Fang, W Cheng, X Yan, PE Tsang, D Zhao
Environmental pollution 210, 338-345, 2016
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
High-capacity and photoregenerable composite material for efficient adsorption and degradation of phenanthrene in water
W Liu, Z Cai, X Zhao, T Wang, F Li, D Zhao
Environmental science & technology 50 (20), 11174-11183, 2016
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Removal of aqueous perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) using starch-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles
Y Gong, L Wang, J Liu, J Tang, D Zhao
Science of the Total Environment 562, 191-200, 2016
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Critical role of oxygen vacancies in heterogeneous Fenton oxidation over ceria-based catalysts
N Zhang, EP Tsang, J Chen, Z Fang, D Zhao
Journal of colloid and interface science 558, 163-172, 2020
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Hydrothermal synthesis of graphene grafted titania/titanate nanosheets for photocatalytic degradation of 4-chlorophenol: solar-light-driven photocatalytic activity and …
F Li, P Du, W Liu, X Li, H Ji, J Duan, D Zhao
Chemical Engineering Journal 331, 685-694, 2018
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Natural organic matter resistant powder activated charcoal supported titanate nanotubes for adsorption of Pb (II)
J Ma, F Li, T Qian, H Liu, W Liu, D Zhao
Chemical Engineering Journal 315, 191-200, 2017
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Enhanced Cr (VI) removal by zero-valent iron coupled with weak magnetic field: role of magnetic gradient force
J Li, H Qin, W Zhang, Z Shi, D Zhao, X Guan
Separation and Purification Technology 176, 40-47, 2017
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Key role of FeO in the reduction of Cr (VI) by magnetic biochar synthesised using steel pickling waste liquor and sugarcane bagasse
Y Yi, G Tu, D Zhao, PE Tsang, Z Fang
Journal of Cleaner Production 245, 118886, 2020
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Catalytic reduction of aqueous nitrates by metal supported catalysts on Al particles
W Zhao, X Zhu, Y Wang, Z Ai, D Zhao
Chemical Engineering Journal 254, 410-417, 2014
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A new technique for determining critical micelle concentrations of surfactants and oil dispersants via UV absorbance of pyrene
J Fu, Z Cai, Y Gong, SE O’Reilly, X Hao, D Zhao
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 484, 1-8, 2015
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Aggregation of carboxyl-modified polystyrene nanoplastics in water with aluminum chloride: Structural characterization and theoretical calculation
Y Gong, Y Bai, D Zhao, Q Wang
Water research 208, 117884, 2022
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Reduction of nitrobenzene in aqueous and soil phases using carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized zero-valent iron nanoparticles
Z Cai, J Fu, P Du, X Zhao, X Hao, W Liu, D Zhao
Chemical Engineering Journal 332, 227-236, 2018
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Immobilization of mercury by iron sulfide nanoparticles alters mercury speciation and microbial methylation in contaminated groundwater
M Wang, Y Li, D Zhao, L Zhuang, G Yang, Y Gong
Chemical Engineering Journal 381, 122664, 2020
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Impacts of traffic noise on roadside secondary schools in a prototype large Chinese city
X Wen, G Lu, K Lv, M Jin, X Shi, F Lu, D Zhao
Applied Acoustics 151, 153-163, 2019
Krav: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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