Assessing job performance using brief self-report scales: The case of the individual work performance questionnaire PJ Ramos-Villagrasa, JR Barrada, E Fernández-del-Río, L Koopmans Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 35 (3), 195-205, 2019 | 614 | 2019 |
Attachment and substance use in adolescence: A review of conceptual and methodological aspects EB Iglesias, EF del Río, A Calafat, JRF Hermida Adicciones 26 (1), 77-86, 2014 | 91 | 2014 |
Effects of behavioural activation on substance use and depression: a systematic review C Martínez-Vispo, Ú Martínez, A López-Durán, E Fernandez del Rio, ... Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy 13, 1-13, 2018 | 79 | 2018 |
Profiling dating apps users: Sociodemographic and personality characteristics Á Castro, JR Barrada, PJ Ramos-Villagrasa, E Fernández-del-Río International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (10), 3653, 2020 | 74 | 2020 |
Cognitive-behavioral treatment with behavioral activation for smoking cessation: Randomized controlled trial C Martínez-Vispo, R Rodríguez-Cano, A López-Durán, C Senra, ... PloS one 14 (4), e0214252, 2019 | 67 | 2019 |
Bad guys perform better? The incremental predictive validity of the Dark Tetrad over Big Five and Honesty-Humility E Fernández-del-Río, PJ Ramos-Villagrasa, JR Barrada Personality and Individual Differences 154, 109700, 2020 | 66 | 2020 |
Motivation to quit as a predictor of smoking cessation and abstinence maintenance among treated Spanish smokers B Piñeiro, A López-Durán, EF Del Río, Ú Martínez, TH Brandon, E Becoña Addictive Behaviors 53, 40-45, 2016 | 63 | 2016 |
The incremental effect of Dark personality over the Big Five in workplace bullying: Evidence from perpetrators and targets E Fernández-del-Río, PJ Ramos-Villagrasa, J Escartín Personality and individual differences 168, 110291, 2021 | 59 | 2021 |
Smoking cessation and depressive symptoms at 1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-months follow-up R Rodríguez-Cano, A López-Durán, EF del Río, C Martínez-Vispo, ... Journal of affective disorders 191, 94-99, 2016 | 49 | 2016 |
Spanish adaptation of the NDSS (Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale) and assessment of nicotine-dependent individuals at primary care health centers in Spain E Becoña, A López, EF del Río, MC Míguez, J Castro The Spanish journal of psychology 13 (2), 951-960, 2010 | 39 | 2010 |
Smoking habit profile and health-related quality of life E Becoña, MI Vázquez, E Fernández del Río, A López-Durán, MC Míguez, ... Psicothema, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Borracheras, conducción de vehículos y relaciones sexuales en jóvenes consumidores de psicoestimulantes (cocaína y éxtasis). N Becoña, E., López, A., Fernández del Río, E., Martínez, U., Fraga, J ... Adicciones 23, 205-218, 2011 | 36* | 2011 |
Apego y consumo de sustancias en la adolescencia: Una revisión de aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos E Becoña Iglesias, E Fernández del Río, A Calafat, ... Adicciones (Palma de Mallorca), 77-86, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
El tratamiento psicológico de la dependencia del tabaco. Eficacia, barreras y retos para el futuro R Becoña, E., Fernández del Río, E., López-Durán, A., Martínez, Ú., Martínez ... Papeles del Psicólogo 35, 161-168, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
¿ Tienen una personalidad distinta los adolescentes consumidores de psicoestimulantes? E Becoña, M Arrojo, A López, E Fernández del Río, F López, J Osorio, ... Psicothema, 2011 | 35 | 2011 |
Sociosexuality and bright and dark personality: The prediction of behavior, attitude, and desire to engage in casual sex E Fernández del Río, PJ Ramos-Villagrasa, Á Castro, JR Barrada International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (15), 2731, 2019 | 34 | 2019 |
Do young dating app users and non-users differ in mating orientations? JR Barrada, Á Castro, E Fernández del Río, PJ Ramos-Villagrasa PloS one 16 (2), e0246350, 2021 | 28 | 2021 |
Does evil prevail? The “bright” and “dark” sides of personality as predictors of adaptive performance PJ Ramos-Villagrasa, E Fernández-del-Río, JR Barrada Sustainability 12 (2), 474, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
La evaluación del desempeño en el trabajo con escalas de autoinforme breves: el cuestionario de desempeño laboral individual PJ Ramos-Villagrasa, JR Barrada, E Fernández-del-Río, L Koopmans Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 35 (3), 195-205, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
Cognitive-behavioral treatment with behavioral activation for smokers with depressive symptomatology: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial E Becoña, C Martínez-Vispo, C Senra, A López-Durán, ... BMC psychiatry 17, 1-10, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |