Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Prof. (Dr.) Prateek AgrawalLäs mer
Tillgängliga någonstans: 8
WELFake: Word embedding over linguistic features for fake news detection
PK Verma, P Agrawal, I Amorim, R Prodan
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 8 (4), 881-893, 2021
Krav: European Commission
XCOVNet: chest X-ray image classification for COVID-19 early detection using convolutional neural networks
V Madaan, A Roy, C Gupta, P Agrawal, A Sharma, C Bologa, R Prodan
New Generation Computing 39 (3), 583-597, 2021
Krav: European Commission
Automated bank cheque verification using image processing and deep learning methods
P Agrawal, D Chaudhary, V Madaan, A Zabrovskiy, R Prodan, D Kimovski, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (1), 1-32, 2020
Krav: European Commission
MCred: multi-modal message credibility for fake news detection using BERT and CNN
PK Verma, P Agrawal, V Madaan, R Prodan
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (8), 10617-10629, 2023
Krav: European Commission
A dynamic evolutionary multi-objective virtual machine placement heuristic for cloud data centers
E Torre, JJ Durillo, V De Maio, P Agrawal, S Benedict, N Saurabh, ...
Information and Software Technology 128, 106390, 2020
Krav: Austrian Science Fund, Department of Science & Technology, India, European …
FastTTPS: fast approach for video transcoding time prediction and scheduling for HTTP adaptive streaming videos
P Agrawal, A Zabrovskiy, A Ilangovan, C Timmerer, R Prodan
Cluster Computing 24 (3), 1605-1621, 2021
Krav: European Commission
ComplexCTTP: complexity class based transcoding time prediction for video sequences using artificial neural network
A Zabrovskiy, P Agrawal, R Mathá, C Timmerer, R Prodan
2020 IEEE Sixth international conference on multimedia big data (BigMM), 316-325, 2020
Krav: European Commission
M3AT: Monitoring Agents Assignment Model for Data-Intensive Applications
V Kashansky, D Kimovski, R Prodan, P Agrawal, F Marozzo, G Iuhasz, ...
28th Euromicro International conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2020
Krav: European Commission
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