Fred Niederman
Fred Niederman
Professor of Management, Saint Louis University
Verifierad e-postadress på slu.edu
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Information systems management issues for the 1990s
F Niederman, JC Brancheau, JC Wetherbe
MIS quarterly, 475-500, 1991
Issues and concerns about computer-supported meetings: The facilitator's perspective
F Niederman, CM Beise, PM Beranek
MIS Quarterly, 1-22, 1996
Examining RFID applications in supply chain management
F Niederman, RG Mathieu, R Morley, IW Kwon
Communications of the ACM 50 (7), 92-101, 2007
DSS theory: A model of constructs and relationships
MA Eierman, F Niederman, C Adams
Decision Support Systems 14 (1), 1-26, 1995
Sources of dissatisfaction in end-user support: an empirical study
NC Shaw, WH DeLone, F Niederman
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 33 (2 …, 2002
The impact of gender differences on job satisfaction, job turnover, and career experiences of information systems professionals
M Sumner, F Niederman
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGCPR conference on Computer personnel research …, 2002
Testing and extending the unfolding model of voluntary turnover to IT professionals
F Niederman, M Sumner, CP Maertz Jr
Human resource management: Published in cooperation with the school of …, 2007
Design science and the accumulation of knowledge in the information systems discipline
F Niederman, ST March
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 3 (1), 1-15, 2012
Organizational meetings: Formats and information requirements
RJ Volkema, F Niederman
Small group research 26 (1), 3-24, 1995
The effects of facilitator characteristics on meeting preparation, set up, and implementation
F Niederman, RJ Volkema
Small Group Research 30 (3), 330-360, 1999
The Minnesota GDSS research project: Group support systems, group processes, and outcomes
G DeSanctis, MS Poole, I Zigurs
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (10), 6, 2008
A research agenda for extending agile practices in software development and additional task domains
F Niederman, T Lechler, Y Petit
Project Management Journal 49 (6), 3-17, 2018
The impact of a structured‐argument approach on group problem formulation
F Niederman, G DeSanctis
Decision Sciences 26 (4), 451-474, 1995
Project management: openings for disruption from AI and advanced analytics
F Niederman
Information Technology & People 34 (6), 1570-1599, 2021
Integrating the IS functions after mergers and acquisitions: Analyzing business-IT alignment
EW Baker, F Niederman
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 23 (2), 112-127, 2014
On the co-evolution of information technology and information systems personnel
F Niederman, TW Ferratt, EM Trauth
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 47 (1 …, 2016
Websites most frequently used by physician for gathering medical information
G De Leo, C LeRouge, C Ceriani, F Niederman
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2006, 902, 2006
IT software development offshoring: A multi-level theoretical framework and research agenda
F Niederman, S Kundu, S Salas
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 14 (2), 52-74, 2006
Facilitation roles and responsibilities for sustained collaboration support in organizations
GL Kolfschoten, F Niederman, RO Briggs, GJ De Vreede
Journal of Management Information Systems 28 (4), 129-162, 2012
Extending the contextual and organizational elements of adaptive structuration theory in GSS research
F Niederman, RO Briggs, GJ de Vreede, GL Kolfschoten
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 9 (10), 4, 2008
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