Mapping ecosystem services for marine spatial planning: Recreation opportunities in Sub-Antarctic Chile L Nahuelhual, X Vergara, A Kusch, G Campos, D Droguett Marine Policy 81, 211-218, 2017 | 81 | 2017 |
DNA metabarcoding as a marine conservation and management tool: A circumpolar examination of fishery discards in the diet of threatened albatrosses JC McInnes, SN Jarman, MA Lea, B Raymond, BE Deagle, RA Phillips, ... Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 277, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Phytoplankton biomass in the sub-Antarctic area of the Straits of Magellan (53 S), Chile during spring-summer 1997/1998 JL Iriarte, A Kusch, J Osses, M Ruiz, JL Iriarte Polar Biology 24, 154-162, 2001 | 64 | 2001 |
Aves acuáticas en el humedal urbano de tres puentes, Punta Arenas (53 S), Chile austral A Kusch, J Cárcamo, H Gómez Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 36 (2), 45-51, 2008 | 40 | 2008 |
Plantas invasoras en el Parque Nacional Torres del Paine (Magallanes, Chile): estado del arte, distribución post-fuego e implicancias en restauración ecológica OJ Vidal, M Aguayo, R Niculcar, N Bahamonde, S Radic, C San Martín, ... Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 43 (1), 75-96, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Distribution, breeding and status of the Striated Caracara Phalcoboenus australis (Gmelin, 1788) in southern Chile M Marín, A Kusch, D Oehler, S Drieschman Anales Instituto Patagonia 34, 65-74, 2006 | 29 | 2006 |
Status of crested penguin (Eudyptes spp.) populations on three islands in southern Chile DA Oehler, S Pelikan, WR Fry, L Weakley, A Kusch, M Marin The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120 (3), 575-581, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |
Distribución y uso de dormideros por el Cóndor Andino (Vultur gryphus) en Patagonia Chilena A Kusch Ornitología Neotropical 15 (3), 313-317, 2004 | 27 | 2004 |
Invasive species and carbon flux: the case of invasive beavers (Castor canadensis) in riparian Nothofagus forests of Tierra del Fuego, Chile CM Papier, HM Poulos, A Kusch Climatic Change 153 (1), 219-234, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Notas sobre la Avifauna de Isla Noir (54° 28’S–73° 00’W). Notes on the Avifauna of Noir Island (54° 28’S–73° 00’W). A Kusch, M Marín, D Oheler, S Drieschman Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 35 (2), 61-66, 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Registros de anfibios en el bosque norpatagónico costero del Canal Messier, Chile J Asencio, A Kusch, JM Henríquez, J Cárcamo Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 37 (1), 113-116, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
The southern right whale Eubalaena australis (Desmoulins, 1822) in the Strait of Magellan, Chile J Gibbons, JJ Capella, A Kusch, J Cárcamo Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 34, 75-80, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Distribución de sitios reproductivos de cormoranes Phalacrocorax spp.(Pelecaniformes) en el Estrecho de Magallanes y costas hacia el sur (52-56 S), Chile A Kusch, M Marín Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 41 (1), 131-139, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
Posaderos de Cóndor Andino Vultur gryphus en el extremo sur de Chile: antecedentes para la conservación de la especie A Kusch Cotinga 25, 65-68, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |
Increased prevalence of canine echinococcosis a decade after the discontinuation of a governmental deworming program in Tierra del Fuego, southern Chile EJL Eisenman, MM Uhart, A Kusch, AR Vila, RET Vanstreels, JAK Mazet, ... Zoonoses and public health 70 (3), 213-222, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Saving the symbol of the Andes: a range wide conservation priority setting exercise for the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) RB Wallace Wildlife Conservation Society, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
Vulnerable Andean condors in steep decline D Méndez, PP Olea, JH Sarasola, FH Vargas, V Astore, ... Science 371 (6536), 1319-1319, 2021 | 10 | 2021 |
Propuesta Área Marina Costera Protegida de Múltiples Usos Seno Almirantazgo. Tierra del Fuego, Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena. Informe Técnico A Vila, N Püschel, M Rodríguez, R Guijón, A Kusch Wildlife Conservation Society–Chile 140, 2017 | 10 | 2017 |
Incidence of cartwheeling flights in raptors of south-central Chile V Raimilla, T Rivas-Fuenzalida, A Kusch, J Díaz, J Toledo, Á García, ... The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127 (2), 289-297, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Foraging ranges in Southern Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) on Isla Noir, Chile DA Oehler, M Marin, A Kusch, L Danielle, LA Weakley, WR Fry International Journal of Avian & Wildlife Biology 3 (4), 320-325, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |