Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Carles AlcarazLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 5
Sea level rise impacts on rice production: The Ebro Delta as an example
A Genua-Olmedo, C Alcaraz, N Caiola, C Ibáñez
Science of The Total Environment 571, 1200-1210, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Effects of plant architecture and water velocity on sediment retention by submerged macrophytes
A Rovira, C Alcaraz, R Trobajo
Freshwater Biology 61 (5), 758-768, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Gillnet selectivity in the Ebro Delta coastal lagoons and its implication for the fishery management of the sand smelt,< i> Atherina boyeri</i>(Actinopterygii: Atherinidae)
S Rodríguez-Climent, C Alcaraz, N Caiola, C Ibañez, A Nebra, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 114, 41-49, 2012
Krav: Government of Spain
Modeling soil accretion and carbon accumulation in deltaic rice fields
M Belenguer-Manzanedo, C Alcaraz, M Martínez-Eixarch, A Camacho, ...
Ecological Modelling 484, 110455, 2023
Krav: US National Science Foundation, Government of Spain
Modelling management options for controlling the invasive zebra mussel in a Mediterranean reservoir
C Alcaraz, C Caiola, Nuno, Ibáñez, E Reyes
Ecological Modelling and Engineering of Lakes and Wetlands (Developments in …, 2014
Krav: Government of Spain
Tillgängliga någonstans: 43
Regime shift from phytoplankton to macrophyte dominance in a large river: Top-down versus bottom-up effects
C Ibáñez, C Alcaraz, N Caiola, A Rovira, R Trobajo, M Alonso, C Duran, ...
Science of The Total Environment 416, 314-322, 2012
Krav: Government of Spain
Fish catchability and comparison of four electrofishing crews in Mediterranean streams
L Benejam, C Alcaraz, J Benito, N Caiola, F Casals, A Maceda-Veiga, ...
Fisheries Research 123, 9-15, 2012
Krav: Government of Spain
Monitoring rice crop and yield estimation with Sentinel-2 data
J Soriano-González, E Angelats, M Martínez-Eixarch, C Alcaraz
Field Crops Research 281, 108507, 2022
Krav: Government of Spain
Towards the Combination of C2RCC Processors for Improving Water Quality Retrieval in Inland and Coastal Areas
J Soriano-González, EP Urrego, X Sòria-Perpinyà, E Angelats, C Alcaraz, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (5), 1124, 2022
Krav: Government of Spain
First Results of Phytoplankton Spatial Dynamics in Two NW-Mediterranean Bays from Chlorophyll-a Estimates Using Sentinel 2: Potential Implications for Aquaculture
J Soriano-González, E Angelats, M Fernández-Tejedor, J Diogene, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (15), 1756, 2019
Krav: Government of Spain
Detection of Ostreopsis cf. ovata in environmental samples using an electrochemical DNA-based biosensor
A Toldrà, C Alcaraz, J Diogène, CK O'Sullivan, M Campàs
Science of The Total Environment 689, 655-661, 2019
Krav: Government of Spain
Basin-scale land use impacts on world deltas: Human vs natural forcings
C Ibanez, C Alcaraz, N Caiola, P Prado, R Trobajo, X Benito, JW Day, ...
Global and Planetary Change 173, 24-32, 2019
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Addressing the analytical challenges for the detection of ciguatoxins using an electrochemical biosensor
S Leonardo, G Gaiani, T Tsumuraya, M Hirama, J Turquet, N Sagristà, ...
Analytical Chemistry 92 (7), 4858-4865, 2020
Krav: Government of Spain
Effects of water pollution and river fragmentation on population genetic structure of invasive mosquitofish
D Díez-del-Molino, E García-Berthou, RM Araguas, C Alcaraz, O Vidal, ...
Science of The Total Environment 637, 1372-1382, 2018
Krav: Government of Spain
Validated methodology for quantifying infestation levels of dreissenid mussels in environmental DNA (eDNA) samples
L Peñarrubia, C Alcaraz, A bij de Vaate, N Sanz, C Pla, O Vidal, J Viñas
Scientific Reports 6, 39067, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Characterization of stress coping style in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) juveniles and breeders for aquaculture
Z Ibarra-Zatarain, E Fatsini, S Rey, O Chereguini, I Martin, I Rasines, ...
Open Science 3 (11), 160495, 2016
Krav: Government of Spain
Spatial and temporal dynamics of suspended load at a-cross-section: The Lowermost Ebro River (Catalonia, Spain)
A Rovira, C Alcaraz, C Ibáñez
Water Research 46 (11), 3671-3681, 2012
Krav: Government of Spain
Multiple environmental benefits of alternate wetting and drying irrigation system with limited yield impact on European rice cultivation: The Ebre Delta case
M Martínez-Eixarch, C Alcaraz, M Guàrdia, M Català-Forner, A Bertomeu, ...
Agricultural Water Management 258, 107164, 2021
Krav: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Government of Spain
The main drivers of methane emissions differ in the growing and flooded fallow seasons in Mediterranean rice fields
M Martínez-Eixarch, C Alcaraz, M Viñas, J Noguerol, X Aranda, ...
Plant and Soil, 1-17, 2021
Krav: Government of Spain
Rapid detection of ciguatoxins in Gambierdiscus and Fukuyoa with immunosensing tools
G Gaiani, S Leonardo, À Tudó, A Toldrà, M Rey, KB Andree, T Tsumuraya, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 204, 111004, 2020
Krav: Government of Spain
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