Pavel Kuybin
Pavel Kuybin
Институт теплофизики им. С.С. Кутателадзе СО РАН
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Введение в теорию концентрированных вихрей
СВ Алексеенко, ПА Куйбин, ВЛ Окулов
Введение в теорию концентрированных вихрей
ОВЛ Алексеенко СВ, Куйбин ПА
Москва-Ижевск: Ин-т компьют. иссл., 2005
Theory of concentrated vortices
SV Alekseenko, PA Kuibin, VL Okulov
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
Helical vortices in swirl flow
SV Alekseenko, PA Kuibin, VL Okulov, SI Shtork
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 382 (1), 195-243, 1999
Experimental study and analytical reconstruction of precessing vortex in a tangential swirler
IV Litvinov, SI Shtork, PA Kuibin, SV Alekseenko, K Hanjalic
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 42, 251-264, 2013
Self-induced motion and asymptotic expansion of the velocity field in the vicinity of a helical vortex filament
PA Kuibin, VL Okulov
Physics of Fluids 10 (3), 607-614, 1998
Estimation of the numerical values of the evaporation constants of water droplets moving in a high-temperature gas flow
GV Kuznetsov, PA Kuybin, PA Strizhak
High Temperature 53, 254-258, 2015
Swirling flow in a hydraulic turbine discharge cone at different speeds and discharge conditions
S Skripkin, M Tsoy, P Kuibin, S Shtork
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 100, 349-359, 2019
Study of pressure shock caused by a vortex ring separated from a vortex rope in a draft tube model
SG Skripkin, MA Tsoy, PA Kuibin, SI Shtork
Journal of Fluids Engineering 139 (8), 081103, 2017
Vortex reconnection in a swirling flow
SV Alekseenko, PA Kuibin, SI Shtork, SG Skripkin, MA Tsoy
JETP letters 103, 455-459, 2016
One-dimensional solutions for a flow with a helical symmetry
PA Kuibin, VL Okulov
Thermophys. Aeromech 3 (4), 335-339, 1996
Study of the velocity distribution influence upon the pressure pulsations in draft tube model of hydro-turbine
V Sonin, A Ustimenko, P Kuibin, I Litvinov, S Shtork
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 49 (8), 082020, 2016
Pattern of vertical velocity in the Lofoten vortex (the Norwegian Sea)
I Bashmachnikov, T Belonenko, P Kuibin, D Volkov, V Foux
Ocean Dynamics 68, 1711-1725, 2018
Validation of mathematical models for predicting the swirling flow and the vortex rope in a Francis turbine operated at partial discharge
PA Kuibin, VL Okulov, RF Susan-Resiga, S Muntean
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (1), 012051, 2010
Vortex Precession in a Gas-Liquid Flow
SV Alekseenko, PA Kuibin, VL Okulov, SI Shtork
Heat Transfer Research 41 (4), 2010
Оценка численных значений констант испарения капель воды, движущихся в потоке высокотемпературных газов
ГВ Кузнецов, ПА Куйбин, ПА Стрижак
Теплофизика высоких температур 53 (2), 264-269, 2015
An asymptotic description of the rivulet flow along an inclined cylinder
PA Kuibin
Russ. J. Engng. Thermophys 6, 33-45, 1996
On the vertical velocity component in the mesoscale Lofoten vortex of the Norwegian Sea
TV Belonenko, IL Bashmachnikov, AV Koldunov, PA Kuibin
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 53, 641-649, 2017
Free-boundary fluid flow on an inclined cylinder
SV Alekseenko, PI Geshev, PA Kuibin
Physics-Doklady 42 (5), 269-272, 1997
A novel scenario of aperiodical impacts appearance in the turbine draft tube
SV Alekseenko, PA Kuibin, SI Shtork, SG Skripkin, VI Sonin, MA Tsoy, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 49 (8), 082025, 2016
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