Antonio Pratelli
Antonio Pratelli
Professor of Transport Engineering, University of Pisa
Verifierad e-postadress på ing.unipi.it
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The capability of Motorways of the Sea of being competitive against road transport. The case of the Italian mainland and Sicily
M Lupi, A Farina, D Orsi, A Pratelli
Journal of Transport Geography 58, 9-21, 2017
Design of modern roundabouts in urban traffic systems
A Pratelli
WIT Transactions on the built environment 89, 2006
A mathematical programming model for the bus deviation route problem
A Pratelli, F Schoen
Journal of the Operational Research Society 52 (5), 494-502, 2001
Gap acceptance parameters for HCM 2010 roundabout capacity model applications in Italy
A Gazzarri, MT Martello, A Pratelli, R Souleyrette
Intersections Control and Safety. Transportation Systems & Traffic …, 2013
Urban air mobility: A state of art analysis
D Gillis, M Petri, A Pratelli, I Semanjski, S Semanjski
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2021: 21st International …, 2021
Car-sharing relocation strategies: a state of the art
E Cepolina, A Farina, A Pratelli
WIT Transactions on State of the Art in Science and Engineering 78, 109-120, 2014
Estimation of gap acceptance parameters for HCM 2010 roundabout capacity model applications
A Gazzarri, MT Martello, A Pratelli, RR Souleyrette
XVIII Urban Transport: Urban Transport and the Environment in the 21st …, 2012
Visibility, perception and roundabout safety
A Pratelli, RR Souleyrette
WIT Transactions on the built environment 107, 577-588, 2009
Rail freight transport in Italy: an analysis of combined transport connections
M Lupi, A Pratelli, G Alessio, A Farina
Ingegneria Ferroviaria 73 (3), 209-245, 2018
Upgrading traffic circles to modern roundabouts to improve safety and efficiency–case studies from Italy
A Pratelli, P Sechi, R Roy Souleyrette
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 30 (2), 217-229, 2018
ITS to change behaviour: A focus about bike mobility monitoring and incentive—The SaveMyBike system
M Petri, M Frosolini, M Lupi, A Pratelli
2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Environment and Electrical …, 2016
Maritime container transport in Italy. Study on Deep and Short Sea Shipping routes departing from the main Italian ports and on rail modal shares/Il trasporto marittimo di …
M Lupi, A Danesi, A Farina, A Pratelli
Ingegneria Ferroviaria 67 (5), 409-444, 2012
The evolution of deep sea container routes: the Italian case
M Lupi, A Pratelli, C Licandro, A Farina
PROBLEMY TRANSPORTU 14 (1), 69-80, 2019
Improving bicycle mobility in urban areas through ITS technologies: the SaveMyBike project
A Pratelli, M Petri, A Farina, M Lupi
Advanced Solutions of Transport Systems for Growing Mobility: 14th …, 2018
SaveMyBike–a complete platform to promote sustainable mobility
M Petri, A Pratelli
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2019: 19th International …, 2019
Railway lines across the alps: Analysis of their usage through a new railway link cost function
M Lupi, A Pratelli, D Conte, A Farina
Applied Sciences 10 (9), 3120, 2020
Comparative application of methods for the combined lines-nodes capacity assessment
A Kianinejadoshah, S Ricci
International Journal of Transport Development and Integration 4 (3), 243-251, 2020
A study on contestable regions in europe through the use of a new rail cost function: an application to the hinterland of the new container terminal of leghorn port
M Lupi, A Pratelli, M Canessa, A Lorenzini, A Farina
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2019 (1), 4324605, 2019
Unconventional roundabout geometries for large vehicles or space constraints
A Gazzarri, A Pratelli, RR Souleyrette, ER Russell
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Roundabouts, Seattle …, 2014
Mini-roundabouts for improving urban accessibility
A Pratelli, M Lupi, C Pratelli, A Farina
Modelling of the Interaction of the Different Vehicles and Various Transport …, 2020
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