Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Sebastien VarretteLäs mer
Inte tillgängliga någonstans: 3
HPC performance and energy-efficiency of the OpenStack cloud middleware
S Varrette, V Plugaru, M Guzek, X Besseron, P Bouvry
2014 43rd International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 419-428, 2014
Krav: European Commission
On verifying and assuring the cloud SLA by evaluating the performance of SaaS web services across multi-cloud providers
AAZA Ibrahim, S Varrette, P Bouvry
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2018
Krav: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Obfuscating LLVM intermediate representation source code with NSGA-II
JC Torre, JM Aragón-Jurado, J Jareño, S Varrette, B Dorronsoro
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems Conference …, 2022
Krav: Government of Spain
Tillgängliga någonstans: 5
Edge computing: An overview of framework and applications
E Krishnasamy, S Varrette, M Mucciardi
PRACE Technical Report, 2020
Krav: European Commission
Energy efficiency for ultrascale systems: Challenges and trends from nesus project
M Bagein, J Barbosa, V Blanco, I Brandic, S Cremer, S Frémal, H Karatza, ...
Supercomputing frontiers and innovations 2 (2), 105-131, 2015
Krav: European Commission, Government of Spain
PRACE Best Practice Guide 2020: Modern Processors
OW Saastad, K Kapanova, S Markov, C Morales, A Shamakina, ...
PRACE Best Practice Guide, 2020
Krav: European Commission
Security in an evolving European HPC Ecosystem
D Pleiter, S Varrette, E Krishnasamy, E Özdemir, M Pilc
PRACE aisbl, 2021
Krav: European Commission
Energy aware ultrascale systems
A Oleksiak, L Lefèvre, P Alonso, G Da Costa, V De Maio, N Frasheri, ...
Ultrascale Computing Systems, 127-188, 2019
Krav: Austrian Science Fund
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