Detlev Leutner
Detlev Leutner
Professor for Instructional Psychology, Universität Duisburg-Essen
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Instructional animation versus static pictures: A meta-analysis
TN Höffler, D Leutner
Learning and instruction 17 (6), 722-738, 2007
Direct measurement of cognitive load in multimedia learning
R Brunken, JL Plass, D Leutner
Educational psychologist 38 (1), 53-61, 2003
Kompetenzmodelle zur Erfassung individueller Lernergebnisse und zur Bilanzierung von Bildungsprozessen. Beschreibung eines neu eingerichteten Schwerpunktprogramms der DFG
E Klieme, D Leutner
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 52 (6), 876-903, 2006
Supporting visual and verbal learning preferences in a second-language multimedia learning environment.
JL Plass, DM Chun, RE Mayer, D Leutner
Journal of educational psychology 90 (1), 25, 1998
Self-efficacy in classroom management, classroom disturbances, and emotional exhaustion: A moderated mediation analysis of teacher candidates.
T Dicke, PD Parker, HW Marsh, M Kunter, A Schmeck, D Leutner
Journal of educational psychology 106 (2), 569, 2014
Reducing reality shock: The effects of classroom management skills training on beginning teachers
T Dicke, J Elling, A Schmeck, D Leutner
Teaching and teacher education 48, 1-12, 2015
Current issues in competence modeling and assessment
K Koeppen, J Hartig, E Klieme, D Leutner
Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology 216 (2), 61-73, 2008
Lehren und lernen: Einführung in die Instruktionspsychologie
D Leutner, KJ Klauer
1. Aufl., Weinheim [ua]: Beltz, PVU, 2007, 2007
Seasonal allergic rhinitis and antihistamine effects on children's learning.
EF Vuurman, LM Van Veggel, MM Uiterwijk, D Leutner, JF O'hanlon
Annals of allergy 71 (2), 121-126, 1993
Cognitive load in reading a foreign language text with multimedia aids and the influence of verbal and spatial abilities
JL Plass, DM Chun, RE Mayer, D Leutner
Computers in Human Behavior 19 (2), 221-243, 2003
Assessment of cognitive load in multimedia learning using dual-task methodology.
R Brünken, S Steinbacher, JL Plass, D Leutner
Experimental psychology 49 (2), 109, 2002
Assessment of cognitive load in multimedia learning with dual-task methodology: Auditory load and modality effects
R Brünken, JL Plass, D Leutner
Instructional Science 32 (1), 115-132, 2004
A longitudinal study of teachers’ occupational well-being: Applying the job demands-resources model.
T Dicke, F Stebner, C Linninger, M Kunter, D Leutner
Journal of occupational health psychology 23 (2), 262, 2018
Guided discovery learning with computer-based simulation games: Effects of adaptive and non-adaptive instructional support
D Leutner
Learning and instruction 3 (2), 113-132, 1993
Beginning teachers' efficacy and emotional exhaustion: Latent changes, reciprocity, and the influence of professional knowledge
T Dicke, PD Parker, D Holzberger, O Kunina-Habenicht, M Kunter, ...
Contemporary educational psychology 41, 62-72, 2015
PISA 2003: dokumentation der erhebungsinstrumente
G Ramm, M Prenzel, J Baumert, W Blum, R Lehmann, D Leutner, ...
Waxmann, 2006
Self-regulated learning as a competence: Implications of theoretical models for assessment methods
J Wirth, D Leutner
Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology 216 (2), 102-110, 2008
Teachers' assessment competence: Integrating knowledge-, process-, and product-oriented approaches into a competence-oriented conceptual model
S Herppich, AK Praetorius, N Förster, I Glogger-Frey, K Karst, D Leutner, ...
Teaching and Teacher education 76, 181-193, 2018
Measuring cognitive load with subjective rating scales during problem solving: differences between immediate and delayed ratings
A Schmeck, M Opfermann, T Van Gog, F Paas, D Leutner
Instructional Science 43, 93-114, 2015
Cognitive load and science text comprehension: Effects of drawing and mentally imagining text content
D Leutner, C Leopold, E Sumfleth
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (2), 284-289, 2009
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