Yang Zhao
Yang Zhao
Research Professor, Zhejiang University, China
Verifierad e-postadress på zju.edu.cn - Startsida
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A short-term building cooling load prediction method using deep learning algorithms
C Fan, F Xiao, Y Zhao
Applied energy 195, 222-233, 2017
Artificial intelligence-based fault detection and diagnosis methods for building energy systems: Advantages, challenges and the future
Y Zhao, T Li, X Zhang, C Zhang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 109, 85-101, 2019
Occupancy measurement in commercial office buildings for demand-driven control applications—A survey and detection system evaluation
T Labeodan, W Zeiler, G Boxem, Y Zhao
Energy and Buildings 93, 303-314, 2015
Fault and defect diagnosis of battery for electric vehicles based on big data analysis methods
Y Zhao, P Liu, Z Wang, L Zhang, J Hong
Applied Energy 207, 354-362, 2017
A review of data mining technologies in building energy systems: Load prediction, pattern identification, fault detection and diagnosis
Y Zhao, C Zhang, Y Zhang, Z Wang, J Li
Energy and Built Environment 1 (2), 149-164, 2020
Pattern recognition-based chillers fault detection method using Support Vector Data Description (SVDD)
Y Zhao, S Wang, F Xiao
Applied Energy 112, 1041-1048, 2013
Analytical investigation of autoencoder-based methods for unsupervised anomaly detection in building energy data
C Fan, F Xiao, Y Zhao, J Wang
Applied energy 211, 1123-1135, 2018
Deep learning-based feature engineering methods for improved building energy prediction
C Fan, Y Sun, Y Zhao, M Song, J Wang
Applied energy 240, 35-45, 2019
An intelligent chiller fault detection and diagnosis methodology using Bayesian belief network
Y Zhao, F Xiao, S Wang
Energy and Buildings 57, 278-288, 2013
Renewable energy system optimization of low/zero energy buildings using single-objective and multi-objective optimization methods
Y Lu, S Wang, Y Zhao, C Yan
Energy and Buildings 89, 61–75, 2015
Diagnostic Bayesian networks for diagnosing air handling units faults–part I: Faults in dampers, fans, filters and sensors
Y Zhao, J Wen, F Xiao, X Yang, S Wang
Applied Thermal Engineering 111, 1272-1286, 2017
MPC-Based Optimal Scheduling of Grid-Connected Low Energy Buildings with Thermal Energy Storages
Y Zhao, Y Lu, C Yan, S Wang
Energy and Buildings, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/art, 2014
Demand side flexibility: Potentials and building performance implications
KO Aduda, T Labeodan, W Zeiler, G Boxem, Y Zhao
Sustainable cities and society 22, 146-163, 2016
A decision tree based data-driven diagnostic strategy for air handling units
R Yan, Z Ma, Y Zhao, G Kokogiannakis
Energy and Buildings 133, 37-45, 2016
Bayesian network based FDD strategy for variable air volume terminals
F Xiao, Y Zhao, J Wen, S Wang
Automation in Construction 41, 106-118, 2014
Diagnostic Bayesian networks for diagnosing air handling units faults – Part II: Faults in coils and sensors
Y Zhao, J Wen, S Wang
Applied Thermal Engineering 90 (5), 145–157, 2015
A statistical fault detection and diagnosis method for centrifugal chillers based on exponentially-weighted moving average control charts and support vector regression
Y Zhao, S Wang, F Xiao
Applied Thermal Engineering 51 (1-2), 560-572, 2013
Optimal design and application of a compound cold storage system combining seasonal ice storage and chilled water storage
C Yan, W Shi, X Li, Y Zhao
Applied Energy 171, 1-11, 2016
A sensor fault detection strategy for air handling units using cluster analysis
R Yan, Z Ma, G Kokogiannakis, Y Zhao
Automation in Construction 70, 77-88, 2016
A hybrid deep learning-based method for short-term building energy load prediction combined with an interpretation process
C Zhang, J Li, Y Zhao, T Li, Q Chen, X Zhang
Energy and Buildings 225, 110301, 2020
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